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~Smut Chapter~

"Connie your aggressive!"

"Not my fault your skirt won't come off."

"You gonna tell me what you wanted to try this time?"

"Let me fuck you."


"I wanna make you feel good."

"Hold on a sec I-"

Before you could finish your sentence Connie smashed your lips together. He couldn't help it. You were too perfect for him. Too perfect for him to not give in. His hands traveled around your body, memorizing every curve, every dip, every perfection you had to offer. You surged foreword linking your arms around his neck and wrapping your legs around his waist causing him to grind into you. He stood up lifting you with him and pushes you into your bedroom wall. His kisses become hungrier than before and you can feel his erection now. He's desperate, it's as if he's trying to make your bodies get closer which wasn't even possible. He had to trapped he and wall left no where to go.

As soon as your lips part he's on his knees, throwing one of your legs over his shoulder after pulling your underwear off.

"Connie..." You pant out his name, "You don't have to."

"Shh...wanna make you feel good. It's alright."

"Are you sure? I mean-"

"Trust me."


You press the crown of your head into the back of the wall squeezing your eyes shut. He lets out a satisfied groan as soon as he tastes you, his right hand on your hip holding you down while his left grips onto your thigh that's resting on him. He licks a line up your slit, sucking lightly on your clit once he reaches it. You grip onto his other shoulder letting out one of those moans that made Connie feral. He was too skilled. There was no way he hadn't done this before, or maybe it was just the fact that he knew everything about you. He studied you, all the time. It had just grown more complex over time, at first it was when the two of you would spend time together, he would observe things like what food you liked, what shows you watched, who you were friends with in school and who you stayed away from. Then he began to pay attention more closely; watching how when he placed his hands on your hips to excuse himself or move you out the way your breath hitched and you melt into him. Or how you deepen kisses when his hand wraps around the back of your neck. He knew your body after one instance. So when your back arched off the wall when he pushed his middle finger inside you he couldn't help but smirk. He had you. He wasn't going to let you go.

"M' gonna cum. Keep going."

"Hm? Nuh uh."


" 'Want you to cum on my cock."

"What happened to you letting me do everything?"

"Just this once, please."

"Alright, just this once."

He shot up off his knees and met your lips again. You worked on his belt buckle, pushing down his pants once the button and zipper were undone. You bit your lip as soon as his dick sprang up out of his boxers. You still couldn't process how big he was. All these years he had that, and he was only willing to let you have it. You really were special.

Your back still to the wall, he runs his cock up and down your slit before sliding in slow. So painfully slow. It was antagonizing. All you wanted was for him to ruin you, corrupt you, make you his all over again like the other night. But he was teasing you, trying to see how long he could tick you off just before you would try to fuck yourself on him. You failed however, almost immediately rocking your hips back trying to build up some friction or get a more intense sensation.

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