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Connie came to your house around 8:00 a.m. Your fever had broke and you were feeling a bit better than you were last night. But he was a bit skeptical.

"Y/n are you sure?"

"Mhm, I'm fine. See, my temperature is back to normal."

"Ok, you ready?"

"Mhm, why do I need all this stuff again?"

"You'll see."

You followed him out to his car with your bags and placed them in the backseat followed by you sitting in the front. Connie got in the drivers side and began down the road.

"Are you not going to tell me where we're going until we get there?"

"Mhm, I told you it was a surprise."

"Why did I have to bring so many changes of clothes."

"No reason."


"Hey, don't go all cold on me now."

"I hate surprises."

"I know, that's why I'm doing this."


"You would get lonely."

"Pfft. I guess your right."

"Ah, see you do love me."

That was the problem. Last night your realized you did love him. It felt so wrong. The two of you had known each other for a long time. You never really thought of him as more than a friend. But something about both of you changed along with your feelings. As for Connie, his stayed exactly the same. He always loved you, he was just too scared to tell you out of fear of running you off. He would rather stay friends than risk having a relationship and the two of you breaking up. It made things much less complicated. So that's what he did. The only person who knew his true feelings was Jean, and he made him swear not to tell anyone.



"How'd you feel...when I left?"

"What do you mean?"

"Actually, never mind."

"No its ok, what do you mean?"

"Like...when I left and I fell out of touch...did I hurt you?"

"Ah, um. It stung a little but...I got over it."

"I'm sorry. I feel awful."

"Hey don't. It's fine, your here now...and if you try that shit again I'll drag you back down here, how does that sound?"

"Sounds good."

"We have a while until we get there. You should take a nap."

"Won't you be all lonely? You know, with me being asleep and all."

"My world doesn't revolve around you y/n."


"Yea sure. I'll take a nap."

It took around twenty minutes for you to finally fall asleep and your body tilted to the side. Your head eventually rested on his shoulder and he glanced smiling at you. For this small moment he could pretend that you we're his girlfriend, fast asleep in his company. You shifted a bit and nuzzled into his shoulder more. Connie didn't know if he should let you stay like that or wake you up. But he liked the first option better.

He let you stay like for a few more minutes until your phone started ringing. He declined it for you, and it rang again. He declined it again, and it rang again making him wake you up.

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