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"Doesn't look like a type of place a person with a Grady-White would stay" I suspect. "No it looks like a place someone with a Grady-white would get killed" pope said. We parked the boat near the grass area

"Hey don't let him do anything stupid" Pope said pointing at JJ "I'm not making promises" John B mumbled. "Be careful" Kie said as she handed John b the key. "Don't get assassinated" I said "we'll try not to" JJ exclaimed.

A little after JB and JJ left pope started a conversation "What's your biggest pet peeve" pope asked. "Easy giving one percent to the environment" Kie answered.

"What's wrong with that" pope questioned. "We only have one earth, pope. We should be giving it 100 percent, bare minimum" she said in response. "Well mine is being pushed around. Or people that give a shit a little tooo much" I say resting back picking at my nails. "Hey hey hey cops" pope said. "Aw shit" I cried.

"Can any of you call them" pope asked. "No towers are down" I say with frustration. "If I lose my merit scholarship, I'm gonna kill someone" pope whispered "maybe they're not going up there" I say.

"He's pointing they're going up there" Kie said. "Nooo wait they could be point at the sky" I argued. "Why in the hell would they point at the dam sky" Kie asked. "Ask the cops" I say. We start throwing rocks at the windows

"Didn't you ever play baseball, dude" Kie said to pope. "I was in the math team" he whisper yelled. "A mathlete" I asked him. "You know what" he said we kept throwing rocks at the windows to get their attention. Finally John be looked out the window. We started gesturing that the cops were coming.

They finally got out the room yet they were still on the roofing. The cop opened the window blinds. "Yeah umm" Kie said trying to make us seem less suspicious.

On the boat-

"You could've warned us a little sooner"JJ said "we would have expect pope was on the math team" Kie said blandly. "You were on the math team" JJ asked. "The cops took everything like it was a crime scene" John B changed the subject. "Did you guys find anything" pope asked.

"Did we find anything no I don't think so- yes we did" JJ said whipping out a gun and a stack of money. "Holy shit" I cursed. "Why would you take that from a crime scene" pope asked. "I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship" pope said with a worried tone. "Hey. Sh sh sh sh sh. At least you have us right?" JJ asked"JJ what the fuck were you thinking goddamit" I asked. "I'm living the nightmare" pope said

-On the dock

"See dead body" she said showing us. "What kind of boat did he have" JJ asked "somehow that dirtbag copped a brand new Grandy- White" the little girl said. "Everyone's out looking for it" she added. "Shit" I whisper

-Back at John B's house

"So, umm we didn't see anything. We don't know anything" pope said barging through the door. "But we do" I mutter. "Yeah and they don't need to know that" Pope panicked. "We need to have total and complete amnesia" he added. "Popes right for once" JJ said. "See I agree with you sometimes. Deny, Deny,Deny" JJ added. "Guys we can't keep that money" Kie said.

"Not all of us can afford unlimited data plans Kiara" JJ sighed. "We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs. otherwise it's bad Karma" I said to them. "Bad Karma implicated in a felony too. We gotta go dark" pope added

"If that means we get to keep the money then I agree" JJ stated "I don't agree" John B said patting JJ's shoulder "what? Why" JJ asked. "Juts think about it. This is Scooter Grubbs we're talking about" John b said. "Same dude that's buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole" John be added. "That's a good point" I say.

"Shit, one time I say this dude begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot because he needed gas" John b argued. "Barley has 40 bucks in his pocket now all of a sudden he has a whole ass Grady- white" I said. "THANK YOU" John be said with gratitude.

We all went outside to the dock to fish. "They were straight smugglin" JJ yelled. "And I guarantee there's a serious amount of contraband in that reck" John be said. "Hell yeah" JJ said in response but still focusing on fishing. "Fish on" JJ yelled since he caught a fish.

Back inside-

"For the record if that is a smuggling ship, WITH illegal contraband on the inside of it.. it probably belongs to someone else" pope said. "Minor details" Kie muttered. "They could come looking for it" pope said. "Taking it would be catastrophically stupid" he added "right well stupid things have good outcomes all the time" JJ said grabbing the money from pope.

"Oh shut up JJ, this outcome won't be good" I said. "Leilani, in not doing stupid shit. Where's my best friend and what have you done with her" JJ said grabbing my face making me laugh. "All we need to do now is juts figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck" JJ said.

"Until then we just lay low, act normal" JJ added. "Right and how exactly do we do that" pope said with a sigh. "Kegger" Kie recommended "PLEASE" I yelled.

-at the boneyard.

Me and pope got the cups, JJ and John be got the kegger, and Kie had the top of the kegger. We were having a good time quirting and drinking the beer. John b filled up my cup. "Thanks B" I said. "Mhm" he said in response. Soon people started to pile up at the boneyard. There us and our friends. Then the kooks, rich brats. Then you have the tourist, clueless bitches.

"You know it's like crazy how much stuff you can do with such a short life" I say to this guy. "Right" he said back "what is she doing here" Kie said looking at the look princess Sarah Cameron

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