Part 8

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(Lei's outfit)

"This is my dads handwriting" John B said with a little joy

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"This is my dads handwriting" John B said with a little joy. "How can you know that" Pope asked. "Because he does these weird R's. You see that" John b said holding it up to us. "Can I see it" JJ asked. "Red—- Rout. No, I think that's an A" JJ said. "It's says Redfield" I say correcting him.

"Right" JJ said agreeing with you. You have gave him a small smile which made him blush a little. "Ok what's Redfield" Kie asked. "Besides the most common name in the county" Pope said. "It's a clue" I say "a clue? Come on now that's —" Pope said. Kie gave him a death stare so he changed it answer

"But if it is a clue maybe it's an anagram" Pope guessed. "Yes. Perfect. Anagram. You need paper" John b said getting up from his knees. "Here you go" he gave the paper to Pope.

"How can you concentrate with that thing crowing at you" Pope asked with frustration. "JJ loves the rooster" John b retorted. "I love the rooster" Kie said. "Let me think" Pope mumbled. "Seriously, think" Kie said.

"Colors—- that's stupid" Pope said. "What about like Ritalin" JJ guessed. "Dreidel? Fiddle?" I assume. "Let's stick with what we're..." Pope said then cut himself off. "Defile. Does that mean anything to you guys" Pope asked.

"You're missing a letter" Kie notified. "Guys! Somebody's here" John b whisper yelled. We all walked over to the window. "Guys is that them" I panic. "That better not be" Kie added. "This is suboptimal" Pope muttered. "John b I told you" JJ said.

"JJ is that them" I asked with panic. "Don't worry you're gonna be fine" he said hugging me. "JJ! Hey, look at me. Where's the gun" John b asked. "Gun? I, uh, I can't—-" JJ stuttered. "Now you don't have the gun, the one time we need the gun" Kie said.

"It was in your backpack" John b said trying to help JJ remember where it was. "On the porch" John b said. "On the porch" JJ repeated. "John Routlege" I hear a man scream. "JJ" I whispered trying to go out there but Pope and John b holding me back.

JJ got in the room and quietly locked the door. "They're on the front porch guys"JJ whispered. "Get out here" one man yelled. "Routledge" another one screamed. "Guys the window" I whisper. JJ and Pope both rush to the window.

They try to open it but it's not budging. "It's painted shut" JJ whispered. Kie searched the drawer and found a shark thing to help open the window. "Guys, here here" Kie said. Kie tried opening it. "Come on" Pope said. "I'm going as fast as I can" Kie whispered.

I hear a man trying to open the door. "No no no" I say pacing back-and-forth. "You better not be in there" the man yelled trying to open the door. He started to kick the door and the door started to break. "Oh my gosh" I say with tears.

Then we hear a loud bang. "Hurry" I say to JJ. We quickly got out and ran to the chickens coop before the man could get in. *rooster makes sound* "do something Pope, shut it up" Kie said. "JJ" I whisper. "You're gonna be ok" he said giving me a hug.

"What do you want me to do" Pope argued. "Pet it, talk to it, do something" Kie said with frustration. JJ got the chicken and twisted it's neck. He sits down next to me. Tears run down my face a little more. "You're gonna be fine" JJ said holding my hand super tight and getting me closer to him.

"Ratter! What the hell are you doing? Let's go" the man in the car yelled. The man "Ratter" walks back to the car. I take a soft sigh of relief. "Let's go" JJ said getting up reaching for my hand. I grab it and we all headed to the van.

"I mean, it's obvious" right John b asked. "A family heirlooms. What better place to hide a message. He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right" he asked. "Yeah you're right but that shit is bad hoodoo man" I retort. "Exactly" Pope mumbled. "Yeah it's possible" Kie said answering John b's question.

"It could also be possible that you're concocting wild theories to help, —you know deal with your sad feelings" Pope said. "Bro you know how I process my sad feels. Dank nuts and the stickiest ickies, that's how I do it" JJ spilled.

"—I'm not concocting, okay" John b said. "My dads trying to give me a message" John be added. "If it helps you believe, John B" Kie said but was then cut off my John b. "Look, I-I don't need a therapy session, okay" he said raising his voice.

"I'm not trippin' out" he added. "It's okay to trip, bro, but—-" JJ said calmly. "Look, my—-my dad is missing, okay" John b said. "John b we get you're frustrated but these theories aren't as likely as it seems to you" I say.

"You don't know what it's like to have the person closet to you vanish. And have no idea what happened. Just wake up every morning wondering" John B said softly. "It's been almost a year" Kie said. "Hey, he could've been kidnapped. That's definitely a possibility" JJ assumed.

"Yeah could be in a Soviet sub getting interrogated by the KGB somewhere" Pope added. "Absolutely... or uh Atlantis" JJ agreed. "JJ don't say that. Most people usually go missing when they go there" I say. "Look, what do you think the message is" Kie asked John b.

"Redfield" John B said. "Redfield lighthouse. My dads favorite place" John be added. We drive past a sign that said Redfield Lighthouse closed due to hurricane.

We all got out the van. "Right here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna post up and look out for bogeys, ok" John b said to me and JJ. "Wait...why me" JJ asked. "Because you're not coming" John b retorted "why" JJ asked. "There are independent and dependent variables" Pope said. "Look JJ just listen to John B" I say. "It's his mission after all" I added.

"You're independent. We don't know what you'll do" Pope said to JJ. "Shut up" JJ said. "Listen to me for a second. Pope Lei and JJ you stand look out. Okay" John B asked. "If we get split up we meet back at JJ's house" John be added. "Cool" I say. John B and Kie walked away.

*ding* my phone went off. It was Rafe calling. Shit. "Hello" I say. "Hey cutie, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up sometime" He asked. "Rafe I'm busy right now, we could talk about us meeting later" I say whispering cause I didn't want JJ and Pope to hear who I was talking to or what I was saying.

"Did you just say Rafe" JJ asked walking over to me I quickly hang up. "Look it's not a big deal. He just wants to hang out " I say. "Oh really, cause who really just wants to fuck you and move on" JJ said. "What did you just say" I say getting in his face. "Guys calm down" Pope said.

"You heard me. Please don't tell me you're that gullible to think a whole ass KOOK would want you. He's the JERK of all kooks" JJ said. "You don't know what you're talking about" I say backing away.

"Holy shit Leilani are you FUCKING blind. He doesn't like you why the hell are you assigning yourself with a shitty kook" JJ yelled. "He's not that bad" I said. "Keep your damn voices down or we will get caught" Pope demanded. "Are you not gonna back me up here pope" I asked. "For once JJ is right, Rafe isn't the Best guy" Pope said standing next to JJ

"You've got to be shitting me right now" I say. "We're not dating or anything gosh" I add. "That's what he does. Gets girls to hang out with, makes them fall for him, fucks him then leaves. He only does that with pretty girls on the island" JJ explained.

"Oh like you don't fuck then dip" I say. "Now I'm on Lei's side. You always fuck then dip" Pope said walking over to stand next to me. "I only do that with girls who don't want relationships" JJ defended. "Now I'm in between" pope said standing in the middle. "You're wrong JJ" I say walking over to a tree.

"Don't come to me when you get played" he yelled. "Shit the cops" pope said making us run to the van, and drive off.

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