Part 14

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"That's where I got the letter" John b continued. "You were in Chapel Hill with Sarah Cameron" Kie snapped. "Yeah" John b mumbled. "He was mackin' on her" JJ joked. "I wasn't macking" John b sighed. "You were so macking Sarah Cameron" JJ laughed.

"I was king macking on her, okay? I was using her for access" John b convinced. "Using" I asked. "You know what I mean Lei" John b nagged. "Did you tell her about the treasure" Kie wondered. "I was just trying to get into the archives" John b sighed. "Is that a yes" Kie asked.

"I- I left out key details" John b stuttered. "Yo, what" Kie cried. "You let a kook in on our secret? What about Pogue Life? What about the t-shirt company, bro" Kie clapped at John b. "I was just using her for information" John b defended. "Here we go with the "using" shit" I mumble resting my face on my hands "why don't I believe you" Kie questioned. "I'm trying to make us filthy rich here" John b wailed.

"So that we could pay off a boat, or send you to autopsy school to study bodies" John b pointed at pope. "Look you guys know me. Do I look like the type of person to fall for Sarah Cameron" John b asked. "You want the truth or-" I asked. "Just stop" John b put his hand in my face but a smack it away lightly.

"Look you don't know her yet. I do! You can't trust her." Kie sobbed. "Her brother did hit Lei twice and beat us up" pope admitted. "Rafe and Sarah are two different beings" John b sighed. "Leave Rafe out of this" I say. "Aww mad that we're talking about your little psychopath boyfriend" JJ wined sarcastically. I roll my eyes. "What did she do yo you exactly" JJ asked Kie. "She's like a.. like a spitting cobra. First, she blinds you, and the" before Kie could finished pope interrupted. "This is a bad analogy"

"Listen to me" Kie begged. "Whatever we get, she's gonna try to take" "whatever let's go meet the chick so this could all be done with" I said getting up and walking over to the van. "Thank you Lei" John b pleads. We're driving to the spot where John b and Sarah are supposed to meet

We finally reach there. The music was playing and I was just jamming. "Yo, uh... so uh I think I'm gonna do this myself" John b told us just as we were about to get out the car. Kie rolled her eyes and I sat back and smirked. John b and Sarah... a thing... I kinda saw it coming. "Look I just don't wanna spook Sarah with the peanut gallery" John b admitted. "Peanuts" I questioned quietly. "I just don't understand why we're involving her at all" Kie nagged.

"Kie we're not involving her, ok" John b assured. "It's just like a business meeting" he stuttered. I turn to JJ and see him pretending to suck dick making me and pope laugh. "Look, once we get what we need we cut her loose, alright?" John b continued. I wasn't really paying attention cause it was useless. It's 500 million dollars for fucks sake, let's get the money and go live our lives.

"Promise me nothings happening between you" Kie said. "Nothing is happening Kie" John b assured. "This isn't about you, and isn't about us, it's about her" Kie sniffled. "She's gonna get inside your head" Kie mumbled. "Kie enough. For fuck sakes it's 500 million bucks, we need that money. It doesn't matter who's in the fucking clique. We get it y'all HATE each other.. but that doesn't mean that we won't need her help" I fumed. I usually don't blow up like this at my best friends but enough has been enough.

"Shit..." Pope mumbled. "Damn babe chill" JJ calmed. John b hot out the van leave just me the boys and Kie. "You don't understand Lei, she's a cobra" Kie whined. "Yes I do Kie, I was there. So you're telling me that you'd rather not get the 500 million dollars because of one person that you don't like is apart if the adventure" I questioned making everyone in the van go silent.

"Kie.. lei is right. It's 500 mil, as long as we get that money then we're good." Pope agreed. JJ nodded. "Fine whatever, don't say I didn't warn you" Kie rolled her eyes. It was silent for a few moments "HELP SOMEONE PLEASE" we heard a cry. "Do you guys hear that" I jump up. "Hear what" JJ asked. "HELP SOMEONE" another cry came. "Oh I hear it" JJ admitted. We got out the van and ran towards the screams.

We ran and saw Sarah on top of John b. "GO CALL SOMEONE PLEASE" Sarah begged. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" I asked. "Topper pushed him" she cried. "John b stay with me" she kissed his forehead and cried even more. The ambulance came and told me and my friends to go home. We drove in silence... in sorrow.

JJ already dropped Kie and pope off and it was only me and him. I was sitting at the passengers side. "How was mid-summers for you" JJ asked. "Good" I nod. "Here's your stop" JJ stopped in-front of my house. It wasn't beat up and bad but it wasn't all kooked out either. "Bye JJ, thanks for the ride" I say getting out the car and walking towards my front door. I watch JJ drive off, I open my door and see my dad standing there in the living room.

"That was embarrassing" he cried. "What was" I wondered. "You ran out of mid-summers like a crazy person" he cried. "Oh was I not good enough to impress the kooks that you kiss ass to all the fucking time" I spat walking to me room. "I want us to have a better life in a better place.. not on the cut" he said. "Ok then. That doesn't mean that you have to change the way I act" I close my door and say on my bed clueless. Like the clueless 16 year old I am.

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