Part 6

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"Yeah hop abroad" JJ agreed. "You wanna uh- check her out" he added. "Thank you" the cop said. "Uhh... you got another one these" the cop asked. "Yeah" JJ said. "It's in the hold" JJ added.

The cop then goes to the edge of the boat to look in the water. "Be careful right there you don't wanna slip" Pope said. "All right" the cop said. "Let us know" the cop added. "We will don't worry" I say "yeah will do" JJ said. The cops then drove away. "He's definitely out of air" Pope said. "There is he" JJ said making us all sigh in relief.

"How'd it go down there" JJ asked. "Did you find anything" he added. "Did I find anything" John b said. "Yeah, there we go. That's my boy" JJ yelled "jeez dude" Pope said. " you okay" Kie asked. " yeah I ran out of air" John b said panting. "You scared the shit out of me" Kie said. "Yeah the cops were up here but uh we took care of em" I say. "My bad" John be apologized. "You're good dude" I said.

"Yeah you kinda missed the show brother" JJ said. "Hey guys? Guys bogey, two o'clock" Kie said. " do you recognize that boat" Pope said. "I've never seen it" I say. "What're they going here the marsh is closed" Kie asked. " I don't know but let's not stick around and find out" JJ said.

"JJ, get the bowline" John b asked. "Yeah" JJ answered. "Should we wait in em" Pope asked. "No, we're not" John b answered. "Go get the stern go" John be ordered. "Are you joking? JJ hurry up" Kie said. "Guys don't wait for me. Go" JJ demanded. "Let's go" I said. "Maybe they're fishing" Pope said. "Go, go, go,go"JJ said. "Go into the marsh" Pope suggest.

"Let's go" Kie yelled. "I'm going. Act natural act" John b said. "Shit. This can't be good" I said. "Dude you gotta go faster" JJ yelled. "I'm going" John b said struggling. "Gun it" JJ added. Why the hell are they chasing us I asked myself. All I of sudden I hear a gun shot. "Holy shit lei get down" JJ said going over me to protect me.

"John b get down" JJ yelled. "Oh my god" I mumbled after hearing another gun shot. Then Kie went and put a net in the water to stop their boat. It worked. I got up and chuckled. "That had to be the coolest shit" I say. "Booyeah. Pogue god, man" JJ yelled.

"That was insane" Kie yelled. Then she laughed. "Dude that was sooooo awesome" I say laughing some more.

We got back to a small dock. "Oh god" Kie said sighing. "What do you guys think it is" Kie asked. "Maybe a shit tone of money" I said. "Can we please just open the bag" Pope begged.  "Wow, Pope" John b said. "That's a rare outburst of emotion" John b added. "Ok you guys are literally killing me with anticipation. Open the bag" Pope said in his defense. "Jeez" JJ said. Once he opened it John b pulled out a can. And inside was a compass thingy.

"Oh wow. Yup. That's about right. Good job everybody we found a compass" Pope said. "Dude, what? It's not worth anything" JJ said to John b. "This is my fathers" John b mumbled.

The next day

I was walked around the dock area. "Heyyy cutie" Rafe said. "Cameron" I greeted. "Sooo is it a yes or no to the date. He asked. "It's a no, I'm way to busy right now" I say. "Fine. Whatever" he said walking away. Well shit.

John b POV:

"I don't understand why you don't just try with Kie. She's like "oh John b"" JJ moaned. "It's what she does and why don't you like Lei" I asked. "As in YOURE always all up on her. Remember last year when you made her a flower crown on put it in her hair to make her look like a beautiful pogue princess" John b said. "That was outta kindness man, I'll never have a chance" JJ muttered at the last part.

Flash back

Last year: JJ POV

We were all at the dock. I was making this crown that I wanted to give to Lei, I've always liked her. I juts never shown it. Scared of rejection, which is super rare. "Hey lei" I cooed, I tapped her shoulder so she knew I was behind her. "Hi JJ" she smiled, her smile was beautiful. "I uhh.. *clears throat* I made you this" I said giving her the flower crown with white and yellow flowers. "Aww you're so sweet" she cheered. Lei then kissed my cheek

It made me feel... DIFFERENT. Not like how all my other kisses were, she was DIFFERENT. I blushed them said. "You're welcome your highness" which made her giggle. "We now declare you pogue princess" I said in an accent. "Come around everyone and share THANKS to the pogue princess" I called. "JJ you're embarrassing her" Kie said laughing. "SHH" you shall respect the princess. Then her favorite song came up

"Hey lover" by Daughters eve. "OMG THIS SOONGGGG" she screamed getting up and dancing. "She's a crazy one" pope mumbled to me. "Yeah... that's what makes her special" I say. I turn around and see Rafe eyeing Lei, "why the hell is Rafe looking over here" I asked Pope and John B. "Probably talking shit" Pope muttered.

"Come on boys dance" she said grabbing me then Popes arm. "John b you know you wanna dance" she said making him laugh.

End of flash back

John B POV

"Yeah and that's why we're going to talk about it to Ms. Lana, figure this whole thing out" I said. "I'm sure she would just love to talk to us. It's not like her husband drowned or anything" JJ said with sarcasm.

Soon we got to her house and heard screaming. "I -" JJ said but I cut him off. "Shut up. Come on" I said. We heard a man yell "where the fuck is it you bitch". "I don't know" Lana yelled back while sobbing. Me and JJ start creeping towards the windows. We finally got down and hid.

"Still think we should stay" JJ asked. "Is that paint" asked. "Yes it's paint" I answered."we should just go. He's got a smuggler" JJ said. "Shut up" I said back. "...smuggler written all over him" JJ added.

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