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╔═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════╗      MESSAGE!u dont need to change yourself ur perfect the way u are bub !═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════

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u dont need to change yourself
ur perfect the way u are bub !


i was so nervous because the day was finally here, our date. i decided to take y/n to the arcade, a restaurant, and potentially stargaze.

i walked up to her door and knocked lightly. i seen her open the door and was wowed by what i seen. how can they make a casual outfit look so amazing. what stood how to me the most was the white medical mask that she wore, usually that's my thing.

"why the mask?" i asked her. she looked at my with wide eyes before explaining herself.

"when you told me you had mysophobia i took it seriously, believe it or not. i want you to feel more comfortable around me and not forced." she said with a sweet voice. i wanted to cry and hug her when she said that but that would be embarrassing.

"i thought you took it as a joke." i told her with slight confusion in my voice. she softly giggled at my reaction and waved her hand.

"i would never, mysophobia is hard to deal with but i try to make things as easy as i can." she said with a determined voice. i smiled softly at her and stuck my hand out.

"you sure? you don't have to if you don't want to." she said with a reassuring face. i nodded at her as she carefully placed her hand on mine. i noticed that she had freckles over her hand, cute.

˗ˏˋTIME SKIP!'ˎ˗

we made it to the arcade which was about a ten minute walk. y/n looked like a kid in the candy store as they looked all around at all the different games. she eyed one game in particular and insisted i followed her.

"tada!" she said and she pointed at the game. dance dance revolution, kinda expect that. she looked so cute as she eagerly waited for the game to start.

we both kept crashing into each other multiple times but we were also trying to push each other off , yeah we're that competitive. i was beating y/n by like six points before the game ended. she looked at me with a pout before stepping off the platform.

"you cheated i dont care." she said with that same pout on her face. i laughed at her cuteness before cupping her face.

"you just suck." i told them as i continued to hold their face. she looked away with a 'hmph' sound and proceeded to look at other games to play.

"ouuu kiyoomi we should play that one, or that one, ouu what about that one." she said excitedly. it was a little alarming how fast her emotions switched up but nonetheless, we went to every game she wanted.

˗ˏˋTIME SKIP!'ˎ˗

we were done playing games at the arcade and while walking we found a diner so we stopped to get something to eat.

we sat down and ordered before i seen y/n looking and her menu for a long period of time, she kinda looked like she zoned out.

"you see something interesting?" i asked her in a joking tone. she looked up at me and hid her face out of embarrassment, it made me giggle a bit.

"sorry, i just been stuck on reading this, i keep zoning out." she said still embarrassed. i was confused on what she meant by that, why was she zoning out?

"why?" i asked her more intrigued. they still had that flushed look on their face before explained what they meant.

"i have adhd omi." she explained smiling softly under her mask. oh, that made a lot more sense.

"wait really?" i asked in genuine shock. i wouldn't never expected that from her but then again she does do and say a lot of unpredictable things.

she nodded at my words as she started explaining to me what it was like growing up with adhd and the reality of it.

"i was diagnosed when i was five years old and it was way worse back then because i was getting the proper care and my parents were something else." she said with a slight goofy tone.

"its why i love stargazing so much because when i zone out i'm not looking at a blank space, im looking at all the pretty stars and it gives me a euphoric feeling." she said while smiling. her smiled at her words while listening to her talk about her struggles.

"i hate forgetting things so much because i could be doing something important at the moment. like i could be studying or something and then i start zoning out and i forget why im sitting down or why im looking at a book and writing down notes so i get up and do something completely different. because of this it caused my grades to slip multiple times." she said calmly with her hands moving in different motions to explain better.

"when people say it's cute to zone out or its quirky to have adhd it makes me so mad because i have had to work way harder than an average person to do certain shit." they explained with a frustrated look. i nodded at her words and kept listening intensely.

"my parents weren't the best so i had to pay for therapy and meds by myself. i did all types of jobs so i can pay for the proper care i needed." she said shrugging her shoulders. she keeps mentioning her parents but only briefly, i wonder what happened, maybe i'll ask.

˗ˏˋTIME SKIP!'ˎ˗

we were done eating when we made it to a cliff where the city lights didn't cover the sky so you can clearly see all the starts. y/n looked at the sight and squealed as she looked up with a big smile.

it was a beautiful sight to see her this happy about something. she looked back at me before gesturing me to come next to her. i came from behind her and held her waist. i heard her giggle as she looked back up at the sky looking at the different star patterns.

"look kiyoomi, it's the big dipper." they said excitedly. i looked up to where they were pointing and seen different star patterns scattering the sky. it amazed me how they could decipher different constellations and identify them so quickly, truly an astrology nerd.

i admired her and how pure she looked in this very moment. it made me smile how happy she was.
they truly were an angel.

(  𝐍𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒!  ) k. sakusa   Where stories live. Discover now