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╔═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════╗      MESSAGE!how's ur day going beautiful ═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════

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how's ur day going beautiful

˗ˏˋYOUR POV!'ˎ˗

i twisted and turned in my sleep before i woke up feeling slightly irritated. i turned to see if kiyoomi was there and to my surprise he wasn't.

i felt like crying because i was very attached to him so for him to leave like nothing hit me. i tried to get up to go to the bathroom but my whole body was sore, i could barely sit up straight.

i tried to attempt again and again but each time i felt like collapsing. eventually i just gave up and laid miserably in my bed. it wasn't until my door open that i raised my head up. again, to my surprise i seen kiyoomi looking at me smiling. to say i was confused was an understatement but i was always relieved.

"where were you?" i asked him with a slight attitude in my tone.

"i was cooking breakfast for us. i wanted you to wake up and we have breakfast together." he said happily. how wholesome, i thought to myself. i smiled at his words before trying to get up again. kiyoomi noticed me struggling and walked over to carry me to the bathroom.

he held me as i stood in front of the mirror to do my morning routine. i was actually really inconsistent with my skincare but i wasn't going to show that to kiyoomi, he can find out later.

every time i looked at him i seen him look at me with such admiration and maybe even love. it was still very foreign to me, i never felt so confident in a relationship that wasn't even official yet. speaking of, i want to make things official with kiyoomi. we both have a strong attraction towards each other so why not?

i tapped his shoulder to tell him that i was done with everything. he carried me to the kitchen as i seen the food he had prepared for us. the sight made me happier than happy, i felt like a little princess. i eagerly sat down as i dug into the food, i was way too hungry to look cute while i'm eating.

kiyoomi and i ate in a comfortable silence but there was so much i wanted to say. a part of me was screaming to just say what's on my mind but another part was telling me to keep my mouth shut and wait for kiyoomi to say something, but who knows how long that'll take.

"hey, i've kinda got something i wanna get off my chest." i said nervously. i showed all signs of nervousness as well, i kept fiddling with my fingers, breathing heavier, and i avoided eye contact at all cost. in the corner of my eye i seen kiyoomi's head perk up as he looked at me with his undivided attention— which only made this harder.

"i know we met on the weirdest terms known to man but, i'm glad we did because i love beings around you, kiyoomi. ever since we went on that date and i cried my eyes out in front of you i felt a stronger connection towards you. i love hearing you laugh and giggle and i live seeing you smile and you getting flustered. i've never been this vulnerable with a person but with you i feel like it's ok. basically, i'm saying that i like you a lot, hell i might even love you." i said all in one breath. honestly, it felt like such a relief letting all of that out.

silence. dead silence was all that was heard. my breath sounded like a scream of desperation and it honestly was. say something, anything, please! i internally screamed, i knew this was a bad idea. i looked at kiyoomi's face to see he was looking at me on the brink of tears, not the reaction i was expecting. i took any little strength i had to move close to him to give him a genuine hug— his face had buried in my chest as he was desperately clinging to me.

"please. please tell me you're being serious. i'm begging you to tell me that you're being serious." his voice croaked out. i fingers played in his hair for further comfort as he still clung onto me, he was desperate and it kinda made me sad.

"i'm being dead serious omi, i love you." i told him in a confident but soothing tone. i heard him sniffle in my chest before he stopped clinging onto me and just looked at me. he had tears streaming from his face but he didn't look sad, in fact he looked pretty happy.

"you have no fucking idea how long i've been waiting for you to say that." he said with a chuckle. i smiled at his sensitivity before pulling him into another hug. everything was so warm and vibrant— it look like something straight if disney movie.

"i love you too, angel." he said softly. i felt my stomach tingle as i smiled to myself. this is what you see in shitty romance movies, but this felt way more special.

"i think we should give us a try." i told him. he looked up at me once again before nodding and smiling.

"i think we should too."

short ? ik
i wanted to do this before i potentially fuck shit up
but hey i won't fuck up their relationship, i promise.

(  𝐍𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒!  ) k. sakusa   Where stories live. Discover now