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╔═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════╗      MESSAGE!hi bub ! i missed u <333═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════

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hi bub !
i missed u <333

˗ˏˋYOUR POV!'ˎ˗

i woke up and still felt kiyoomi's presence, it made me smile. last night was very emotional for me because it was the first time in a while that i vented about my parents. i'm glad kiyoomi understood me and heard me out, especially talking about sensitive topics.

i know, i'm a bit rough around the edges but i'm proud of the person i've become. in high school, i was a whole different person, a party person. i partied almost everyday and with partying, came a drug addiction. i've been clean for about two years because ever since that night i refuse to touch them ever again.

i arose from kiyoomi chest to see him with drool coming from his mouth. i giggled at the sight and took a picture of it, for a hardcore dude he was pretty adorable at times.

i walked to the bathroom to look in the mirror— only to see i look like absolute shit. my hair was a mess, i had tear stains coming from my eyes, and i had mascara smudged all around my face, ew.

i walked back to my room to pick out some clothes so i can take a shower, i didn't plan on doing anything today so i was just going to wear something comfortable, i would wear nothing but i have a guest over.

i headed back to the bathroom and started my shower, very therapeutic if you ask me.

while in the shower i started thinking about a variation of things i did or went through. looking back at it, i am one fucked up person but i'm hot so i can live.

˗ˏˋ TIME SKIP!'ˎ˗

i was done taking a shower and i was in there longer than i planned. i washed my face and brushed my teeth and just looked clean.

i walked back to my room and was greeted by the sight of kodi sitting up straight on my bed and kiyoomi taking pictures of him from different angles. what was cute to me was that he would take the picture and show kodi it afterwards.

"what are you guys doing?" i asked smiling brightly. both of them directed their attention to the sound of my voice, in sync.

"we're having a photoshoot." kiyoomi responded shrugging his shoulders. i giggled at the two and continued to watch kiyoomi take pictures of kodi. everything about this moment felt ok, it felt comforting, this was my happy place.

i sat down on the bed next to kodi and scrolled through my phone. i heard kiyoomi's phone go off and i looked to see he took a picture of me.

"at this point, we gon have to fight." i told him with a straight face. he laughed at me and showed me the picture, to my surprise i actually liked it.

"new lockscreen." he said while in the process of changing his lockscreen. the smile that was brought to my face was so big and genuine, this man knows what he's doing.

i saw him holding up my phone again at me but this time he was taking a video and as a reflex a covered my face.

"stop covering your face, show me how pretty you are." he said smiling. that almost made me wanna show it but i look like a bum right now so no.

"kiyoomi please, i look like oscar the grouch." i said while giggling. kiyoomi chuckled at my comments but grabbed my hand that i was using to hold my phone.

"can i at least get a kiss?" he asked. i looked at him before getting off the bed to give him a quick kiss. we both looked at each other for a good minute before laughing.

this moment felt perfect, i can get used to waking up like this. i laid my head in kiyoomi's lap and continued to scroll through tiktoks. i felt kiyoomi bend his head down so he was face to face with me and covered my whole face with kisses. i laughed at the feeling of all the little kisses placed on my face, i felt loved.

"you. are. so. fucking. pretty." kiyoomi said between kisses. i smiled widely at his words and nodded, i wish this moment could last forever.

moments like these are moments i never had with daishou so maybe it was a good idea to see other people. the way kiyoomi makes me feel was different from the way daishou ever made me feel.

kiyoomi makes me feel loved and he makes me feel safe. daishou made me feel like i was just there, i felt like i was there with no significant purpose.

"you make me feel safe." i told smiling softly. kiyoomi's whole face turned red as his eyes lit up so wide.

"wait really?" he asked in a surprising tone. i nodded at him before getting up from his lap to kiss his cheek. his lips curved up into a big, beautiful smile.

"thank you. no one has ever told me that, that made me feel so good about myself." he said in a soft tone. i wrapped him in a hug while kissing him on the back of his neck.

"well there's a first to everything, like you said: we're scott and ramona." i said to him. he nodded at me before giving me a gentle kiss, the kiss wasn't filled with lust or intention, it was filled with love.

i wish everyday was like this, everyday was this exciting and simple.

is this what people would call euphoria ?

in the mood for a double update
maybe triple because i got clouded with so many ideas
hell, i might even write about that night

anyways, i added more wholesomeness
enjoy it because it probably wont happen for a while.

(  𝐍𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒!  ) k. sakusa   Where stories live. Discover now