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i appreciate all of you !

˗ˏˋNO ONE'S POV!'ˎ˗

kiyoomi sat and admired his girlfriend. god, they were gorgeous, ethereal even. they were currently on a date — a quiet place with a great view of a waterfall. y/n enjoyed the scenery, all the different vibrant colors danced in her eyes completely unaware that her boyfriend was staring at her.

kiyoomi was completely convinced that they were an angel, sent from the heavens. the way they glowed in the sunlight and how pure she looked, he fell in love all over again. kiyoomi watched as a butterfly flew towards y/n and resided at their shoulder — feeling at peace.

y/n turned to look at kiyoomi to see that he was already starting at her. she felt herself get flustered under her boyfriend's gaze, even after all this time he still made her nervous.

"what are you staring at?" they asked him with a small smile on their face. kiyoomi looked at her with a starstruck expression before moving close to her.

"you. you're very pretty." he told her before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. y/n felt herself melt being in the presence of him, he always knew what to say and do.

"thank you, omi." she told him with a bright smile on her face. the joyful expression on her face was never leaving, she was happy and most of all, she deserved it.

the couple had hit a minor bump in their relationship but it was nothing they couldn't handle. kiyoomi came to terms with the fact that atsumu was still in love with him and as expected,
he was very uncomfortable with it. he didn't look at atsumu in that way but he couldn't control how atsumu felt.

as a result of this, he cut off contact with atsumu, he didn't need unnecessary drama in his life. he was happy with his girlfriend and that was all he needed. he was at peace with her, he felt safe with her, so why mess it up?

kiyoomi began reminiscing about how they met and it made him laugh a bit. they were completely different than what they are now. kiyoomi's laughter caught the attention of y/n as they turned to look at him.

"what are you laughing about?" y/n asked their boyfriend. kiyoomi looked at them with amusement in his eyes before he explained what was on his mind.

"remember when we first met?" he asked with a big smile on his face. y/n immediately covered their face in embarrassment as they remembered the rather interesting events.

  "please stop, you literally seen my pussy before my face." she said as she hid her face in embarrassment. she physically recoiled as she remembered how cringey they were despite it being just a year ago.

even though they didn't appreciate the circumstances they met they didn't regret it, they were happy they found each other. maybe it was too soon to say but y/n felt that she found her other half, her soulmate.

"it feels like it was just yesterday that i got that text and seen a phone full of pussy." kiyoomi said before laughing at his own joke. y/n gasped before playfully hitting his shoulder as they both laughed about their first time meeting.

"i'm really glad i met you, omi." y/n told her boyfriend as she looked at him with such love and comfort in her eyes. kiyoomi return the love and looked back at her with that same admiration, he was so fucking in love with them.

kiyoomi lost control of his body as he placed his hands on his girlfriend's cheeks before gently pulling her into a soft, passionate kiss. the kiss was filled with love, compassion, and intimacy. kiyoomi wanted to hold them in his arms and never let go, that was his comfort.

he pulled away from the kiss as he took in the beauty of his girlfriend — he felt like the luckiest person in the world.

"i love you, angel." he told them in a soft voice. they gave him a soft smile before pecking his lips once more.

"i love you too, omi."

it didn't matter how many times they said it, he still felt butterflies every time. he could be around her everyday but she would still find a way to make him nervous, in a way he loved it, she.
made him feel like a shy schoolboy all over again.

kiyoomi didn't really know if y/n was in love with him but he did know that he wouldn't pressure them into saying it, they'll say it on their own time and he was fine with it. however, he was one hundred percent sure that he was in love with her.

he wanted to spend the rest of his life with them, maybe start a family that consisted of dogs and cats. he found everything he loved in a person and they were sitting right in front of him. he truly couldn't ask for anyone better, this was the best.

kiyoomi was never big on marriage but maybe one day he'll pop the question, he'll give a piece of the moon to y/n if he could. in his eyes, she deserved the world and he'll do his best to give it to her but for now he'll enjoy his peace with her.

"i want to marry you one day." he suddenly spoke up. he heard her giggle before looking. up at him with a smile.

"well, i look forward to that day." she says before placing a kiss on his cheek.

his heart felt warm inside. he finalized his decision, he was definitely going to marry her one day.

yeah, one day.

this is very short but i love it sm
my babies are all grown up now
it feels like it ended so suddenly but i didn't know what else to do
maybe ill do an epilogue too

(  𝐍𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒!  ) k. sakusa   Where stories live. Discover now