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╔═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════╗      MESSAGE!whatever u decide to doi support ur decision !═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════

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whatever u decide to do
i support ur decision !


"hey omi, do you want to spend the night?" y/n asked suddenly. i nodded my head and we started walking back to her house.

we got lost many times to the point where we had to look up the directions. we walked up to her house and we we're met with a pitch black atmosphere. she turned on some lights so it was more comforting and closed the door.

"kodi?" they suddenly said. i looked at her confused because who the fuck is kodi? a little sibling? a pet? who is kodi?

all my questions were answered when a black pitbull ran out to y/n's side. y/n immediately bent down to pet it and directed us to her room. well, i've been here before.

y/n started taking off her clothes and put on something more comfortable. i liked how she always kept her room clean and well organized, it felt more comforting this way. she hopped and her bed and looked at me.

"are you ok with kodi on the bed? i swear i gave him a bath before we left." she said to me. i nodded at her and she patted the bed so kodi can jump on. he laid his head in her lap, looking like he was waiting for this.

"hey um, i don't want to sound rude or insensitive but, where are you're parents?" i asked genuinely curious. i didn't know if i was pushing my limits because i known her for only so long but i was really curious.

"sheesh, i knew this was forming." she said as she prepared herself for this. what i didn't know is that i had to prepare myself too.

"well, my parents had me when they were at they're lowest. they were living the rockstar lifestyle but that lifestyle wasn't safe, especially if you have a child." they explained carefully.

"my parents decided that because they couldn't care for me they were going to turn they're life around and let go of their unhealthy lifestyle." she said waving her arms all around.

"they actually did it too, they managed to get over many addictions and get good paying jobs. i was so proud of them for being happier with themselves." they explained, softly smiling to herself.

"but that happiness was only temporary. they told me that i'm old enough to feen for myself and that they wanted to leave their old life behind. at first i had no clue what that meant, i thought it meant that we were moving and that they were working more hours at their job but boy i was so wrong." she said still smiling but it wasn't a happy smile, more of a sarcastic one.

"they left me in this house by myself and didn't look back. they'd send me money every week so i could survive but never visit. i used to ask them why they didn't want to see me and their only response was that they didn't want to be reminded of their old, disgusting past." y/n explained with a sad laugh and the end.

"i still talk to them though. they show me pictures of how good their living without me and pictures of their new family together. they ended up having more kids 'better' kids as they like to tell me." y/n said. by this time, they had tears running down their face but no matter how much i tried to wipe them away they just kept coming so i just let her cry all she wanted.

"do the kids know about you." i asked her. she raised her head up to look at me and man she looked hurt.

"no, my shit parents don't want them to know me. they said that 'it wouldn't be beneficial for the kids'." she said making quotation marks with her fingers.

"you know, im so proud of them for getting what they always wanted but why did i have to get left behind?" she asked rhetorically. i felt really bad for her, she didn't deserve that, especially as a young child.

"i really want them to be happy but why am i treated like such a burden? i'm their kid too but i'm treated like i'm the fucking powder that they snorted." y/n said before she completed broke down in my arms. words couldn't explain how upsetting her story was but the last thing she needs right now is pity.

"can you play some music on my phone?" they said im my chest. i nodded slightly before grabbing her phone. her lock screen made me smile, it was me sleeping, probably on facetime.

i went to spotify and pressed shuffle as the music played on the speaker.

NOW PLAYING: i bet on losing dogs— mitski

oh, well this is ironic isn't it? a sad situation about to be sadder with a sad song. i just let y/n cry as long as they needed to because it seemed like a while since she let out her emotions. she didn't need pity or someone babying her, she needs to just let it out.

"its just been me and kodi against the world." they spoke quietly. i looked at their tear-stained face before raising their face up so they can see me.

"well, now its me and you. scott and ramona." i told her. she giggled at me and snuggled her face deeper into my stomach. man, our relationship is going to be way different after this.

my baby, my baby

i damn near cried, shit

(  𝐍𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒!  ) k. sakusa   Where stories live. Discover now