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╔═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════╗      MESSAGE!get some sleep tonight pls═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════

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get some sleep tonight pls

˗ˏˋYOUR POV!'ˎ˗

all the guys stared at me with shock on their faces as they tried to cradle me with comfort. i appreciated it, really, but it already happened and i've already let them go.

i tried the best to my ability to explain to them the events that occurred no longer than two hours ago. they all held sympathetic looks on their faces as i kinda laughed it off. it wasn't a huge disappointment to me since i knew something like this would already happen, i was hurt but i didn't care anymore, life goes on ig.

"they're not even going to let you see your siblings?" bokuto asked me in a sad tone. i shook my head at his question and sighed loudly.

to say that what my parents did didn't hurt me would be a lie. sure, i lost complete faith in them but them completely kicking me out of their life with no apology hurt. i wasn't concerned about building a relationship with them, that bridge was already burned, i just wanted to see the twins but i couldn't do that because of the selfishness that came from my parents.

"i don't want to sit here and be sad about them, they're not worth it. i just hit two years of sobriety, i feel proud of myself." i spoke with a small smile on my face. everyone's face turned into loving faces as they all praised me and told me how proud of me they are.

i smiled at the thought of my progress, i really did that. to think that just two years ago i was looking death in the face, now the thought of doing any of those things disgusts me and i avoid it at all cost. i may have had a minor setback but everyone does at least once.

i felt a little upset that kiyoomi couldn't be here because i would've loved for him to support me. i haven't told kiyoomi about my sobriety or the things that happened because i was too embarrassed. i know relationship work off of communication but we just got together and i needed more time before i actually open up about these things, it's not like i could expect him to understand anyways.

i missed kiyoomi, i wish he was here. i wish he was here and we were sitting in my room watch horror movies, i miss him a lot. i haven't seen him in more than a week which was far too long. maybe i'll text him tomorrow and we can do something then.

˗ˏˋTIME SKIP!'ˎ˗

after everyone had left i had crashed down on my bed and immediately fell asleep. i woke up to a message from kiyoomi which made me smile at twelve in the afternoon, too early.

(  𝐍𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒!  ) k. sakusa   Where stories live. Discover now