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╔═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════╗      MESSAGE!i love u !═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════

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i love u !

˗ˏˋYOUR POV!'ˎ˗


it was like i was slapped out of some fantasy land and hit reality. it was really him, we were looking at each other for the first time in almost a year.

kiyoomi was completely oblivious to the situation because i didn't tell him about daishou and i didn't really want to tell him— especially this soon.

daishou just stared at me with a nervous grin on his face as he scratched his hair awkwardly. he took a step closer to me and i took a step back in response. i didn't want to be near him, i didn't want him to be near, it was better when we simply didn't see each other.

"you look good. um how have you been?" he asked awkwardly. i just started at him appalled because how fucking dare he. he's put me through hell and he's going to act as if he has some type of right to talk to me? what a joke.

"i'd rather we not talk to each other." i said with disgust filling my tone. i turned around and roughly grabbed kiyoomi's hand as tried to walk off quickly so i could avoid any type of conversation with daishou, but i can still here his voice booming towards me.

"don't be like that y/n. we have a whole shit lot to say to each other." he yelled out to me. that made me stop in my tracks, is he fucking serious?

i held grudges and i never cared about it. the whole 'life is too short to hold grudges' saying is such bullshit, i do what i please. daishou didn't deserve to have a conversation with me, he didn't deserve anything to do with me.

i wasn't the same naive person i was some years ago, i've bettered myself. with bettering myself i know my worth and i know what i'm above and with daishou— i'm way above him.

i turned around to see his still silhouette and trotted to him. i was fuming, i felt so many emotions rush through me and i think this was finally my breaking point.

"are you fucking stupid? you don't deserve to talk to me. after all the shit you put me through and now you want to talk?" i practically yelled out as i stomped towards him. all this held back anger i had was finally spilling out and it's being directed to the perfect person.

"i hate you with every bone in my body and i honestly wish i never fucking met you. you single-handedly ruined my fucking life and i hope you drop dead!" i yelled in daishou's face. shock filled his expression, he tried to search for a bit of remorse in my eyes but there was none, i meant every word i said.

the more he looked at me with that expression the more i wanted to harm him. i once looked at him with that same expression and all he did was brush it off or ignore me. a rush of adrenaline came over me as i raised my hand and slapped his face with all my force.

i finally did it. i finally stood up to him. i had to stop myself from crying tears of joy. it took me about three years for me to learn my worth and it was damn worth it. i was put through hell and back because of him and he could finally know how i felt
about it.

i heard kiyoomi silently gasp as he pulled me away from my past. he wrapped his arms around my waist and walked me away from the scene. i thought i'd feel at least a little remorse but no i felt relief. i haven't felt this good since i was a first year in high school.

as we were walking i reflected on what just happened, i was proud of myself. i began to laugh at my actions and how good it felt to finally give him a pinch of the hurt he gave me.

"what are you laughing about." he asked in confused voice. i looked at him with the biggest smile on my face as i softly laughed to myself.

"i've been waiting to slap the shit out of him for years and i finally got to do it." i said with a huge grin plastered on my face. kiyoomi softly smiled at my smile as we walked to his car.

we stepped in the car as we both sat for a bit, looking at the scenery. i was ecstatic, i felt like i was on the top of the world. i looked at kiyoomi and stroked his cheek a bit, i can finally stop living in this hold that daishou held me in.

"you wanna do something crazy?" i asked kiyoomi. he looked at me with an eyebrow raised in curiosity. i smiled softly at him as i sat up to directly face him.

"how about we go the liquor store, get a few drinks, and have some fun drunk car sex." i said still smiling. a smirk was forming on kiyoomi's face as he started the car.

"you are fucking crazy. you just slapped some dude and now you want to have car sex." he stated with a small laugh. i laughed along with him as i continued to look at him.

"i'm a person of many talents." i simply stated. kiyoomi giggled again before pulling off and driving to the nearest liquor store— which was surprisingly miles away.

i let down my window a bit as i enjoyed the cool air hitting my skin. music played in the background of the ride as kiyoomi and i sang along to the song.

i felt free and much happier. i knew daishou was a touchy subject but, i didn't know it was this tough. i felt like a huge weight was lifted off of me, i wouldn't have to worry about him anymore.

now that i have kiyoomi here supporting me, life didn't seem so shitty anymore. i was thankful for him, i was thankful for me finally knowing my worth.

my jaw was beginning to hurt at the excess smiling, i didn't mind though, it felt good. kiyoomi pulled into the liquor store parking lot and looked at me with a smirk. i turned to him with the same smirk on my face as we both knew what time it was.

"you ready to have fun?" i asked him. he laughed before stepping out the car and looking at me.

"with you? always, angel."

hey y'all i finally updated 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🤝

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