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smut warning!╔═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════╗      MESSAGE!ilysm , ur amazing <3═════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═════

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smut warning!
ilysm , ur amazing <3

˗ˏˋYOUR POV!'ˎ˗

"maybe i will, angel."

the way this man made me weak to my knees was undeniably embarrassing. i wanted to have more restraint, i wish i had more willpower but fuck, he was making it so hard.

his once delicate hands became rough and demanding as if it was on cue. the once gentle look he always used to give me was gone and replaced with a look of dominance and lust.

kiyoomi roughly grabbed my wrist and walked in the direction of my bedroom. to say i was nervous was an understatement, i did instigate this and wanted this exact outcome but, i might've overdone it just a little.

we were both in my room as kiyoomi closed the door behind us, locking kodi out in the process. the jealousy in his eyes never left as he stared down at me, then his eyes traveled down my body.

his hands forcefully gripped my waist as he pulled me closer to his hard chest. his hands traveled all along my backside as he placed his head in the crook of my neck to plant wet kisses.

the kisses themselves were soft but his grip on my waist wasn't, his nails were digging into my skin that i knew would leave marks. his tongue met my neck as he sucked on it, leaving trails of dark hickies.

kiyoomi moved his head from my neck and looked at me one good time. he looked as if he were analyzing me, thinking of something. he put his hand at the back of my neck and pulled me into him— where my ear met his lips.

"get on your fucking knees." he spoke roughly. i whimpered and got down on my knees submissively. he smirked at my obedience and began slowly undoing his sweatpants.

he knew how desperate i was, how needy i was and he took full advantage of it. he slowly pulled down his sweatpants in a teasing way, smirking at me. he knew the effect he had on me and i cursed myself for letting him get this leverage. kiyoomi's v lines were fully visible to me and it made my mouth water. everything about him was so attractive, he made things i hated so attractive and hot.

kiyoomi pulled down his sweatpants in a swift motion and his dick sprung out semi hard. it hit his stomach like the last time we had sex. god, even still-- not fully hard, he was an impressive size. i looked up at kiyoomi and slowly licked the tip of his dick. i heard him hiss in response as i licked all over the head of his dick, teasing him as he did me.

(  𝐍𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒!  ) k. sakusa   Where stories live. Discover now