1. Changes

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New story time!

Aizawa's pov

"We finally have the info we need to raid the league" All Might moved to the centre of the room and started his explanation "We have the location of their main base, we're taking it tonight. We leave in 10" He walked out of the room leaving me, Hizashi, Nemuri, Kamui woods, Jeanist, Hawks and Edgeshot in the planning room "You heard him, Get ready" I shouted and went to my locker. I dragged my Binding cloth out and looked at Mic. He was clicking his Amplifier on "hey Hizashi?" I Asked "Yes Shota" He turned to me with a smile "you know I'm not an emotional person but since this is probably the most dangerous mission we've been on... Do you wanna go out?" I asked. God, I'm such a twat. Mic looked at me confuzzled for a second before smiling like a schoolgirl and jumping towards me "YES YES YES!" He shouted while using the full might of his quirk. "Please calm down, and don't make my ear bleed" I replied with a small smile 

"Hey lovebirds, we're leaving" Nemuri shouted. I blushed lightly before following. Hizashi grabbed my hand and we roof ran towards a dusty B&B on the edge of town. With each jump, my and Hizashi came closer and closer. Until we hit off each other and began to fall into an alley. I caught us with my binding cloth. "maybe we shouldn't do that while on the job" Hizashi chuckled as I dragged us to the roof. We began the running again, this time we were socially distanced. "Edgeshot will be doing the Pizza stick, once they are distracted, All Might blows down the wall" Kamui explained, "does he actually have pizza?" Hawks joked. No one else laughed. Hizashi looked like he wanted to laugh but refused to do so.

"Edgeshot, Move-in," All Might said into his communicator. All Might hid behind a wall with us a few steps behind him "Pizza" Edgeshot shouted to the door. As the door opened a flurry of wind flew towards the B&B. "STAND DOWN LEAGUE" He shouted. There was mumbling in the building and a few light footsteps. On account of my underground work, I had really good hearing. I heard dashing and a shout "GET ME OUT KURIGORI!". Just as the dust cleared, I saw a blue-haired older teen dashing into a purple mist "Get the villains" I yelled. We all charged into the building, tying them up. "Aizawa, check the rest of the rooms" Nemuri instructed. I nodded and darted through the rest of the building. through each hallway, nothing was unusual Until I saw one without any light. I grabbed my flashlight and began the eerie walk

As soon as I was three steps into the hall, a distinct metallic smell enter my nose... BLOOD?! I looked at each door, they had big red X's on them, Except for one. I tried to open the door but it was locked shut. I walked back a bit and charged directly into the door, knocking it off its hinges. I ran inside and the smell only got more noticeable. I quickly looked around the room till I saw a horrific sight. A child, no older than 9, covered in blood and scars. He noticed me and tried to hide. "kid, it's alright, I won't hurt you" I held my two hands up to show that I had no intention of harming the child. "d-d-Dabi?" He asked. Dabi? the villain? didn't think he'd be a softie for a kid

"no, I'm a hero" I replied as I removed my Eraser Goggles. He turned in fear and began to shake. I slowly walked to his side and went to touch him. As soon as my hand went to touch him, he disappeared. I darted my head around the small room till I heard a faint whimper from beneath the bed. I slowly bent down and saw the child holding himself in a small ball "Can you please come out? I want to help" I said softly, Comforting kids isn't my forte. He shook his head violently and back away. I slowly stood up and ran back to the destroyed front "find anyone?" Hizashi asked "Midnight, with me" I began to run back to the room with Nemuri a few steps behind me "what did you find?" she asked "a kid, teleportation quirk... not a voluntary member" I replied as I pointed to the door.

Nemuri walked in and looked under the bed, said something quietly and activated her quirk. I walked in and pulled the kid out from under the bed. He was skin and bones and covered in scars, burns and blood. He stunk horribly 'cant be his fault' I told myself. I brought him out the front where an ambulance was treating a few of the unconscious villains. I went to the closest EMT and handed him the boy. "I don't know what condition he's in, he doesn't look like a member of the league but put a suppressant on him anyway... He seems to be able to teleport" I informed the medic. "yes sir," He said as he picked the boy out from my hands. I ran to the group where they were celebrating lightly "Shota? you good?" Hizashi asked. I looked down silently "that kid... he's not going to fare well in foster" I replied quietly. He tilted his head a bit and came close to me. "I know you're worried but I promise that we'll visit him in the hospital" He smiled at me. I looked into his eyes and smiled back at him.

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