21. So... Lava and Cat?

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Aizawa's pov

"So how are we gonna find out what his quirks do?" I asked the teachers "This meeting isn't about that, it's about assuring the safety of the students" Vlad interjected "With all due respect, Izuku is one of our students and thus his safety is important. These quirks could be detrimental to his health" Nezu explained "Can't you do a blood test?" Cementoss asked "Searching for a needle in a haystack isn't a very good strategy" I replied. Yagi stood up "I know someone who can help" He stated, "who is it?" 'Zashi asked "The I-Expo is opening Tommorow, I got an offer to go there. I can bring young Aizawa to David Shield. He's helped with my quirk in the past, he probably has the equipment to test him accurately" He explained 

"Then that is what we'll do, most of class 1-A got tickets to the Expo anyway so they wouldn't sue us to the ground" Nezu decided "Where is Izuku? we should probably go as soon as possible" Yagi asked "He's with Katsuki Bakugo and probably Todoroki" I replied. Bakugo hadn't let Izuku go since they returned to the dorms. They've both changed, Bakugo is way more clingy and Izuku, He's gotten quiet. Not like him not using his voice but he seems to be staying away from everyone but me, 'Zashi, Bakugo and Todoroki. He's even avoiding Nem, it's killing her. I hope Shield can help him

Izuku's pov

"Do you know what they do?" Kacchan asked. I shook my head no. He and Sho have been trying to find out what my new quirks do "Why are your arms smoking?" Sho asked suddenly. I looked down to see a red liquid burning on my arms. Kacchan put his hand on it only to pull back in pain "Let me, I'd have better resistance" Sho insisted "You're no better than me at anything Icyhot" Kacchan retorted. Sho touched my arm and rubbed his hand up it "It looks and feels like molten lava" Sho theorised

"I am here" A skeletal man walked into my dorm "Hey All Might" Kacchan mumbled "Hello" Sho monotoned. I tilted my head at the man, he seemed familiar but I couldn't put a name on him. "Young Izuku, please prepare a bag for a few days, you're coming with me to see what those quirks are" He stated. So he knows me... but I don't know him. I took the notebook in my lap and wrote out a sentence "ok but who are you?" He read aloud "I'm All Might, you used to call me uncle Toshi, Don't you remember?" He asked flabergasted. I shook my head and looked down in shame. On the twelfth day, they did something with my hippocampus, which screwed with my recognition, smell was all that worked. 

"I'M NOT LEAVING HIM!" Kacchan shouted while grabbing me into a hug "I can bring you, I have an invite for the I-Expo anyway" Sho monotoned. Kacchan gave 'Uncle Toshi' a death glare "We'll go get ready to leave, You stay with All Might. Love you Izu" Sho said while walking out of the room beside Kacchan "Bring your hero costume just in case" 'Uncle Toshi' recommended. I nodded and grabbed the yellow bag in the corner of my room. I quickly put the least revealing clothes in along with a notebook and pen "You ready?" 'Toshi' asked. The final thing I grabbed was Ashi, my plush pomeranian.

'Uncle Toshi' brought me to a car where we got brought to an airport. Toshi seems really nice, I still haven't gotten the opportunity to smell him so I can't tell who he was to me. My head started to ache even more as usual as we reached 6000ft. My pain mustn't have gone unnoticed because Toshi questioned it "You alright Izuku? you're shuffling a lot" He asked. I nodded my head before my ears popped. I felt something behind me and Toshi's stare "WHAT THE ALL MIGHT!?" He shouted while falling out of his seat. I had to sit up when I felt a pain on my back 

"Is this one of your new quirks? a cat mutation?" He asked. So it's a cat mutation, Dad's gonna suffocate me. I shrugged and pointed at his phone on the table "R~Right" He stated while handing it to me, camera mode already on. sure enough, Atop my head lay two fluffy green to Black cat ears. I rubbed one between two fingers and cupped the other one in my hand. I should've been freaking out but with how much worse it could've been I was fine. I mean, It could've been a pig or something. We both sat back down, I was tired so I did what felt right and curled into a ball on the seat.

A while into my dream about Kacchan eating snowcones, I felt my entire body shaking. Not the usual scared about to be attacked shaking but one that felt really good! I leant into the source of the feeling causing my dream to swap into a room full of people. There were about 13 people in the room, each of which looked highly different. They were also all freaking out except for four people "IZU! YOU'RE BACK!" Aki! She jumped into my arms. I smiled and laid her back on the floor "Hate to drag you back here but could you help with these people?" Kontor asked over the shouting "WHERE THE HELL AM I?" A particularly irate man yelled, "Who's he?" I asked "He's the most recent one, very hot-headed" Tele commented. I realised that my voice quirk wasn't affecting me after that comment

"CAN YOU BE QUIET?" I yelled. The room went quiet before the hot head ran over and grabbed my shirt "where the hell are we? What's going on? I'LL KILL YOU ALL!" He screamed "Calm down, It's okay" I requested "It's okay? IT'S OKAY?! ARE YOU DELUDED? WE'RE STUCK IN A FUCKIN ROOM WITH NO DOOR?!" He shouted. I used my control to prevent him from opening his mouth again "Let me explain, please" I requested. Everyone was staring at me when I turned to them "I'm sorry but you're all d-dead... your quirks and c-consciences are now in my b-body" I explained, "Cool, ya'll wanna play poker?" A scruffy-looking boy with two black cat ears asked 

I blinked only to be back in the private jet with Toshi shaking me. "We here" He stated. I cautiously looked out the window to see a huge circle with a city built upon it. "You might've heard of it, It's I-Island, A technological haven for a ton of scientists" He explained. I knew what I-Island was, I only lost my human facial and audio recognition. It was the villains attempt at making me scared of my friends... whoever they are. The plane landed and me and Toshi departed. An auto sidewalk brought us into a station and then out to a massive area. The central tower towering over me. "UNCLE MIGHT!" 

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