10. Unforeseen

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Abs are hard to draw :(

Izuku's Pov

Dad just told me to follow him rather than go to combat classes, He said something about a present. "Is this the same Present that Papa mentioned?" I asked. Dad turned, nodded and began walking backwards. "As useful as your quirks are, they aren't the most combat efficient" He stated before turning to the wooded area of UA. we walked to an open area and he produced a box. He handed it to me and smiled lightly. I opened it and a dark grey cloth was inside "You got me a binding cloth?" I asked happily "Yeah, The company owed me a favour," He said while grabbing his own. 

"Just take off your shirt and grab it tightly" He instructed. I picked it up and it quickly covered my arms and back "it's going to feel weird for a bit but it works the same as mine" He grabbed his cloth tightly causing it to move "A piece of the cloth should rest in front of your right hand, Grab it and concentrate on making it move" He stated. I held my hand up and grabbed the cloth. It began to float. "Good now wrap me up," He said while standing still "Okay" I began to imagine dad being entrapped in the cloth. I reopened my eyes to see the weapon connected to a tree "you missed by a bit" He stated while a chuckle escaped his mouth.

"It's my first try" I whined "Well just practice when you can, I'll teach you every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday" He came up to me and gave me a cloth bump "Thanks dad, Love you," I thought about hugging him. he huffed and I felt him brush against me. I looked around and questioned what happened. "You did manage to capture me" He laughed and pulled the cloth away. "Did I just capture you while thinking about a hug?" I asked aloud "Didn't think that was what you were thinking about but hey, whatever floats your boat" he began to walk off.

I softly grabbed his hand and teleported to the teacher's dorm. "That felt weird" He stated before slumping onto the couch "Class just ended, I'm going to sleep" He began to snore instantly. I sighed, grabbed the couch throw and put it on the sleeping ravenette. "thanks problem child" He mumbled before snoring again. I walked into the kitchen and began to make Papa some lunch. He doesn't know but I'd been learning to cook so I could eat better.

I looked around for inspiration. I saw a bag of shrimp and decided to make Tempura. I grabbed all the necessary ingredients and began to heat up the batter. Just as I placed the last piece of veg on the plates, the door opened. I ran to the door to make sure Papa wouldn't shout and wake dad "Hey there Listener, what are you doing here?" He asked while removing his jacket. I lightly grabbed the cloth and it flew out of my sleeves "Dad gave me this and then we came back here. He fell asleep and I made food" I said with a massive smile. "Do you cook like me... or Sho?" he asked with a ton of concern "I cook like a boss!" I walked towards the Kitchen and beckoned him.

"oooh, you made Tempura" He awed over the food "It was the first thing I could think of" I rubbed the nape of my neck and sat down. Papa sat across from me and began to eat "It's really good" He stated with his mouth full of fish "Thanks, It's not as good as yours" I replied in kind "no seriously, it's really good" He reaffirmed. I just nodded and continued to eat. I looked into the sitting room and sat Cofi and Candi sitting atop Dad in a funny way. I calmly walked in and snapped a pic. His hair rose but his eyes stayed closed. I chuckled quietly and walked back to the kitchen "More Cute Shota pictures?" Papa asked "Why of course, It's always great to see pictures of Cutota" I replied

"Bye dad, Bye Papa, see you tomorrow" I closed the door and teleported to the dorms. a few people were all sitting in the common room. "Oh hey Aizawa, why weren't you at combat training?" Kaminari asked without looking away from the screen "Dad wanted to do personal training regarding my Quirk" I replied "well you didn't miss much, we did situation analyses with Cementoss" Sero stated. Iida looked like he wanted to explode "Wanna play some Mario kart?" Ashido asked "Sure, I'll warn you, I haven't played too many video games" I replied with a slight chuckle "You can't be worse than Sero" Kaminari laughed "AT LEAST I KNOW HOW TO AVOID BLUE SHELLS" Sero shouted in response "That only matters if you're in a position to get hit by a blue shell" Ojiro stated from the kitchen. 

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