7. Scars of the Past

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Izuku's pov

Dad spent the rest of the period explaining costumes and telling us to start designing them. I already had my hero design, It was kind of a mix between dad and Papa's plus my own design. Once the period ended, I went to the cafeteria and grabbed the first thing I found. I sat at a table, completely alone, No one dared come near me. Just as I was about to put away the plate, Todoroki sat at the table. He said nothing but stared at me while he ate soba. I went to walk away when he grabbed my sleeve calmly "stay" He pointed to the seat. I followed and stared at him. He had the other pair of eyes I saw in my dreams. My eyes were drawn to his burn, I couldn't see anything else. "Why did Mr Aizawa stop Ashido from asking you a question?" He stared me down while monotoned. I looked down and twiddled my thumbs "is he your dad?" "n-not b-b-b-biological" I replied softly "Is he an asshole?" He monotoned while he slurped his soba "n-no, he's the b-b-best dad I c-c-could ask for" I replied defensively "yet you have scars on every inch of your body" 

"p-p-please d-d-don't talk about t-t-them" I begged while I began to cry. "sorry, I'm not good at being sensitive" He replied with a shrug. I tried to leave again but he pulled me down "I have knowledge I shouldn't, mainly about hero missions. there is one group by the name of the league of villains... or the LOV" He stared at my neck "S-s-stop" I looked at him. "I know I'm a freak, you don't have to remind me" I began to cry lightly "I'm not calling you a freak, I have a wound of my past as wel-" I turned around and saw dad with his quirk activated "why is my child crying?" He asked Todoroki "i-i-i'll explain l-l-later," I said quietly. dads hair dropped and he walked off. 

"we s-should go to the c-c-class" Instead of walking, I just teleported my seat "oh hey Aizawa right?" Uraraka asked "y-yeah" I replied quietly "Is our teacher your dad?" Iida asked. I nodded lightly and looked away. "I once again apologise about the incident at the entrance exam" Iida bowed a perfect ninety degrees "i-its alright, you didn't know" The two left me alone to talk with the frog girl. I began to stress a bit and reached for Ashi, He wasn't in my bag. I began to freak out till Dad entered the classroom "Alright go to the dorms, you have the rest of the day to set up" He dismissed us and slumped into his sleeping bag. "Aizawa, can you teleport other people?" Bakugo asked, "if they hold me, I d-don't like people t-t-touching me though". Bakugo thought for a moment the looked at me "can you take me to the dorms?". I slowly pointed my pinky to him. He grabbed it softly which made me flinch. I didn't teleport instantly. I grabbed my bag and teleported to the heights alliance 

"I don't really remember much but I do have a photo, Deku was a kid I knew when I was younger... he always wanted to be a hero, he's part of the reason that I'm becoming a hero" Bakugo dug through his boxes, throwing random things all over the place "there you are you son of a bitch" He pulled out a photo frame with a smaller version of him and a kid who looks almost exactly like me. He placed the photo beside my head. "it looks like you but he didn't have any scars" He rubbed his chin and thought for a second "Do you remember the name Kacchan?" 

My mind began to race, I could see what happened before I was taken, how Bakugo and I were best friends and how my Mom used to make my Katzudon. Then one memory, in particular, came up. Me and Bakugo were playing in a park when Bakugo's hands started exploding "Look Deku! I got my quirk!" He showed off the quirk in all its glory "WOAH KACCHAN THAT'S SO COOL" "damn right it is. Let's make a promise" Bakugo held out his hand "tomorrow is your birthday right?" Bakugo asked I nodded "When you get your quirk we're going to be the strongest heroes together!" My mind cut out and I began to cry "K~Kacchan" I held out my hand "Deku" We looked at each other. We slowly came together till we hugged. I began to cry even harder, that was the first hug I've had in eleven years "Are you okay? how'd the scars happen?"

'of course, he'd ask that' I complained "look Kacchan, I haven't even shown dad and papa nevermind told them what happened" I explained, "there's more?" He started getting angry "I need to go, Thanks Kacchan, I needed that hug" I smiled weakly at him and began walking away. He harshly grabbed my wrist making me freak. "tell me" He demanded. My hair went up and my eyes went red. his hand went limp and I teleported away. I ended up in my dorm, the one I set up yesterday. As soon as I arrived, A knock was on my door. I sighed and opened the door. Todoroki was standing in the door with an apologetic look on his face "sorry about talking about the things" He bowed slightly "It's fine, It's a difficult topic" I replied quietly "If you want you can rant to me" He offered. 'he has gone through something similar so he'd understand... Right?' I thought on it for a few minutes and settled on saying "yes please" 

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