16. Internships

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Izuku's pov

I woke up, still inside the gay sandwich. I teleported to my bathroom and quickly splashed my face with water. When I walked back into the room, Kacchan was stirring, trying to grab onto my non-existent body. I teleported back into the sandwich and snuggled into his chest. He stirred even more and opened his eyes "mmh Deku... wait" His eyes looked between me and Todorkoi Repeatedly "Did we ask you out or was that a dream?" Kacchan asked while sitting up. I teleported to his side and smiled "you asked me out... well Todoroki asked me out while you were being awkward" I clarified. He smiled up and me before looking at Todoroki "oi stop faking sleep Icy-Hot" He said while poking Todoroki. He yawned and stood up. "We should go downstairs to eat" "Yeah you should, my little Eyas needs his carbs," An oddly familiar voice said from the window  

We all turned to see Hawks sitting in my open window with a chicken leg. I blinked a few times before teleporting the other two away "So you got yourself some boyfriends?" He asked. I blushed and grabbed my suitcase. "teleport that to this address" He said while handing me a piece of paper. I held the suitcase and teleported it to the desired area. "nice now get into your hero suit, I told your dad to place wing holes in the back" He instructed. "yes sir" I bowed, grabbed my hero costume and teleported to the bathroom. I grabbed my capture weapon from the toilet (don't ask) And placed my costume over my body

I teleported back to my room and grabbed my eraser goggles. "Alright go to the green area down there" Hawks instructed while pointing to the small garden around the dorms. I nodded while he dropped out the window. I teleported to his side and myself hyped. "Wings please" He requested. I let out my wings and looked at him "let's go" He quickly took off. I rubbed my elbow awkwardly "it's called a trial by fire, follow me" he instructed while flying away. I sighed and started moving the wings. I slowly felt my body leaving the ground and began leaning forward. I moved forwards and upward quickly. I began to pick up speed till I got to a plateau "Oi kid slow down!" Hawks shouted from behind me. I teleported to his side and managed to stay beside him. 

We did a ton of weaving between buildings until I heard an explosion "do we help?" I asked "of course, You cant attack any villains so you need to help any and all victims" He instructed, I nodded in reply as we dove towards the bank. We landed at the police line and saw the situation. A villain with some form of gun quirk holding 30 people hostage in a bank. "Can you teleport in there and get those people out?" Hawks asked "I could get them all out at once if I do it right" I replied "go get 'em Kizuato" He smirked while I disappeared to the bank. I hid behind a counter and waited for the villain to go to the front area of the bank. 

He went towards the storefront with a young boy "I want an escort to a plane straight to America with 2 million dollars!" He threw the kid in front of him. I ignored him and grabbed my Capture weapon, making it weave around the bank's floor. It softly touched off of each person. Once everyone was accounted for minus the young boy I teleported them to a makeshift med station. I teleported to Hawks side and then looked to the chief negotiator "The only person in there is the kid" I stated "Good job kid!  without being noticed. Hawks and I debated on what to do "I could just make him come out with his hands up" I suggested "You can't use your quirk against villains without a licence "Hurry up or else the kid gets it!" the villain shouted while cocking his quirk.

I suddenly saw Snipe showing up right beside us "Nice job kid, makes mine easier" He pulled out a tranq dart and placed it in his gun. He shot it and knocked the villain unconscious. "Nice one Kizuato now let's go before reporters swarm us," hawks said while furrowing his wings. I popped out my own and flew after him "Alright, let's head near my house, I want to patrol a bit" He smirked while flying towards the evil part of the town (where The hero café is). We made our way to the top of a building and quickly got ready "patrol is really easy, just make sure to make a good impression" He recommended

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