19.The Captured

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*not me forgetting bout this book*

Aizawa's pov

"We're being attacked by Villains" rang Mandalay's voice "Vlad, protect the students" I instructed while running out of the remedial class. If villains were here, then my kids were in danger. At least Izuku was okay. As soon as I exited the building, A wave of blue flames came over me. I quickly dodged and brought myself to the top of the awning "I guess you are a pro" Dabi said while launching another flurry at me. "Sorry to use my flames, just in case someone's watching," He said.

I narrowed my eyes and activated my quirk. He could be manipulating me "He's not safe there, his caregivers are men of the League" He disclosed "Who's he?" I asked while throwing my capture weapon at him "Izuku, He's being hurt. He needs your help" He affirmed. I squeezed him to see if he was real, he was. I roped him to me and hit him on the side of the neck, knocking him out quickly. I should've taken my nap earlier.

Time skip 

The fighting ended 24 or so hours ago. I was stuck sitting in a meeting about the protests outside UA. I couldn't think about it, Izuku was on my mind alone "At least we can clear your kid's name Aizawa" Powerloader added "What?" I asked surprised since I wasn't paying attention "He couldn't have told the villains since he's in isolation" He explained. I tensed up "I have something regarding Izuku" I spoke up "What is it Sho?" 'Zashi asked, "When I fought Dabi, He said Izuku was in danger, That his caretakers were working for the league" I explained. There was a second of silence "WHAT!? WHERE ARE THOSE LEAGUE VILLAINS WHO HURT MY BABY!?" Zashi yelled 

"Aizawa's, You two can go deal with that, we'll deal with this" Nezu said. Me and Zashi got up instantly and walked out of the room. I knew that we were gonna have a fun time getting past the reporters but I don't care, Izuku is more important. I grabbed my capture weapon and tied it around my neck. We both got down to the UA gates where everyone was complaining about our handling of the whole Kidnapping situation. I'm not happy with myself that I let Bakugo get captured but he's strong, he won't break, he's a stubborn kid for better or for worse.

"Eraserhead Eraserhead!, any comment on the kidnapping situation?" "HOW COULD YOU LET ONE OF YOUR STUDENTS GET CAPTURED!?" A Karen yelled, "What villains attacked?" "Where are you going?" "Shouldn't you be helping get your student back?". Me and 'Zashi just walked past them in silence. I hate that I couldn't respond but it was imperative that we get Bakugo back in one fell swoop. We quickly got into our car and drove towards the local HPSC holding offices. It's where they keep lower-level villains or people who need to be interrogated.

We arrived pro-bono on account of 'Zashi's anger. We walked into the building to see a woman with sickly white hair typing loudly on a computer "Ahem" I coughed "What do you want sir?" She asked snarkily "Where is Izuku Aizawa?" I asked "He's under an isolation order" She replied, "Where is he?" I asked again "I can't tell you," She said before returning to her computer. In reality, I knew where he was, He'd be in the lower part of the building, built for teleporters.

I pulled 'Zashi towards the elevator, pressing -3 as soon as we got in. It asked for an ID which I quickly dealt with it by using my licence. The elevator moved and brought us to the bottom layer. We walked out and looked through each of the bulletproof one-sided mirrors till we reached the end of the hallway. I looked through the glass to see a burly man holding Izuku while another man injected something into his arm. I seethed in anger as the two laughed while Izuku screamed in pain

the first man came out of the door, Holding it for his partner. I slammed my hand into his neck while roping the other guy in my binding cloth. 'Zashi walked in, punched him in the face and picked up the screaming Izuku. One thing for sure, whatever they injected him with was defiantly not a sedative. Izuku clung to 'Zashi, sticking his nose in his neck. The two took the elevator before me while I looked at the needle they used on him. It was labelled 'Volcanic'. That sounds like a quirk name. shit

Izuku's pov

I like this guys smell, He reminds me of Papa. I hope that the men don't come back. I still screamed since the pain was unbearable. Whatever this new quirk was, I couldn't be worse than the third one they gave me... Or was that the sixth one? I don't remember but that quirk caused this really painful mutation on my head and lower spine. I manage to hide them thanks to the fourth (?) quirk but they're really sensitive, there's always a nagging pain in my head and spine. I felt a bright light shining on my face, It was the sun. I was outside! I went to open my eyes only to feel my skin burning "Izuku what's going on?" The man asked. 

Screamed in pain again, my arms burning. Guess that's the new quirk, something to do with fire. I felt a seat beneath me, then cold air on me. my arms stopped burning, and my eyes opened. I was in a car, a very familiar car. I looked to the front and saw... PAPA! HE SAVED ME! wheres dad? did he forget about me? He couldn't have... Did he? "Izuku, are you okay?" Papa asked. I nodded lightly. "Can you say something?" He asked. I shook my head no, the first quirk was the only one the men explained. It made it so I could make my voice be any pitch, note, volume or accent but I cant control it. I could blow papa's ears out if I used it 

Papa got a call and quickly got into the pasangers seat and began driving. My sense of direction was long gone but I can get that back now that I'm away from the men. What about Kacchan and Shocchan? They'll probably think I'm weird because of these damn quirks. I think that I have 13 now including the ones I had before. I dont want to see what happens once if I get knocked out, instead of 5 people watching the world through my eyes, now theres gonna be 13. I got brought out of my mind by a speedbump "we'll be back at UA soon, Dad's gonna be awhile but he'll be with us later, I promise"

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