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I whiffed my nose then covered it up when the stingy fumes got stronger. It smelled like shit combined with more shit.

Marques came out of the next room chewing on some nachos that were covered in all sorts of melted cheese.

I didn't think too much about it until I passed and took a glance at him. "Nigga.. aint you lactose intolerant?"

He took another handful and slid it into his mouth before nodding his head. "Hell yea i'm lactose intolerant. That ain't gon' stop me from eatting cheese, icecream, and cereal though."

I shook my head realizing the smell was coming from him. "Stop eating that shit you the reason why this house smell like a fucking sewer every damn morning."

I slapped the nachos out of his hands and let them splatter all over the floor. He gasped dramatically, taking a step back then looked up in my direction with his mouth clenched.

"Bet. You wanna be like that? Don't even think about using the restroom tonight cause imma be shittin' up in there. Matter fact go ahead and buy a new febreeze bottle cause we out."

He scrambled past me shoving his shoulder against mine. This was exactly why I hid all the milky products away. It gets so bad that I started buying almond milk instead of regular milk.

The last time he ate some shit and used the bathroom I purposely tried to catch my house on fire. This niggas ass don't have a stop sign once it starts going.

In the living room Draco was sleep on the couch while Quanny was watching porn. Quan did not understand boundaries and it shows.

"Damn Quan why can't you just watch that shit in the bathroom or something," I insisted before pulling the blankets off Draco and placing all my weight on his back.

I could tell he was waking up because that nigga was scrambling under all the pressure I was placing on him. "Nigga wake yo' ass up."

"Bitch im up," He replied trying to get me off him, "Bruh move yo' fat ass off me. Feel like you breaking my back and shit."

I let out a laugh and just laid back enjoying him complain about something I wasn't willing to fix.

We use to always do this when we were younger. One time he almost made my ass get scoliosis and that shit really hurt. I swear I couldn't walk straight for a week.

It got so bad to the point where females in my school thought I was gay. They'd walk around saying, "Damn who you let beat yo' back in?"

"Who's gonna watch porn in the bathroom?" Quanny asked with a disgusted face, "Marq in there."

"SO?" I finally got off my brothers back and he yanked my leg causing me to slip and hit face first on our glass table.

"SO? Fuck you mean SO? Imma watch porn all day everyday till this chlamydia shit blows over." He connected his phone to the bluetooth and all we could hear was moaning blasting through every speaker device.

"Chlamydia? AGAIN?" Draco asked with his head lifted up, "You sick."

I shook my head and got up off the floor to fix my attire. I really needed to move out because living in a house full of niggas wasn't working with me. "Where does May live?"

"You've known her for how many years and still don't know where she lives?" Draco side eyed me from his seat as if I were stupid.

He wasn't wrong though, I knew May for a hot minute and held zero knowledge of her other than her name and what she looked like. I also knew she looks deranged when she has an allergic reaction.

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