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I've been keeping in contact with the older woman who gave me her number. She said her name was Chantel, but she doesn't mind what I address her as.

After that incident it just seemed like more of Powell's men started popping up and showing that they were around. They were obviously waiting for the perfect time to kill me.

"Girl why are you wearing all black? Don't you think that's kinda stupid?" Brittany questioned as she puckered her lips.

"For the 100th time, I'm going to a funeral," I reminded her. "Maybe you should wear black too. It'll match that black eye Jeremiah gave you the other day."

I could feel her stare a hole at the back of my head, but simply ignored it.

"Your dad is actually letting you go back there?" Zara asked in shock while I nodded my head.

I had to beg him. Literally, beg him with tears in my eyes just so he could allow me to go to Tino's funeral. He kept declining my request to return, even when he knew how close Tino was getting with me.

He told me I was only able to go if I allowed him to place an ankle bracket on my leg so he can track my location. I agreed to his plea.

"Bitch, your dad is becoming.. what's the word?" Zara made a quizzed face, "Controlling."

"He's been like that ever since I came back. It's like he's expecting something to happen or he knows something will." I stared myself in the mirror to take in my appearance.

"Maybe he's hiding something from you."

I didn't think too much about it, but now I was starting to feel that maybe he was.

"Before we go to the funeral can we stop at Jermiah's place because this Regina bitch keeps posting him on her story and i'm not having that shit," Brittany snapped, showing us the video on her phone.

"Are we going over there so you can finally break up with him?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"Girl, hell nah. We going over there so I can beat that hoes ass. Who the fuck does she think she is to kiss up on my man. ON IG LIVE TOO? "

"This is embarrassing," Zara said, taking the words right out of my mouth, "But whatever, we can go there, but quickly so we can head to the funeral."

We all agreed on that plan and made our way down the steps. Before I could even touch the door knob dad came out of his room with his uniform on.

"You have to be back by 9, are we clear?"

I stared at him, nodding my head, while he pulled my leg up to make sure the tracker was tightened around my ankle.

He than slipped the key into his pocket, so I wouldn't be able to take it off unless he was there to do it.

"I love you baby, enjoy yourself." He stood up, hugging me tightly before pressing a kiss on my cheek.

I pushed past him and finally walked out the door.

"Nessa, don't be like that. You know I just want you protected. I don't want to put you in harms way."

His words caught my attention and I turned, quickly facing his way. "You want me protected? You wanna just now protect me? Where was this energy months ago when purposely sent me to live with May? When was this energy when I almost got raped? Dad WHERE WAS THE FUCKING ENERGY?"

I could feel myself getting heated, but I controlled my emotions, shaking his statement off.

He stood in the corner with his mouth parted. "Ja'Nessa, I will not allow you to speak to me that way. At the end of the day I fucked up, but i'm your father. So talk to me like it."

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