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"Oh God," I spoke in shock with my mouth wide open. I was currently looking at the news and the only thing that I kept seeing was that Draco was murdered.

There were cameras surrounding Powell's building showing about fifteen cop cars and FBI officials surrounding the area. There was nothing more but red and blue lights and even interviewers, from news stations, just placing their input on what was going on.

Apparently there were about twenty-eight dead bodies and Powell wasn't one of them. I knew he survived and he was probably hiding out now that he was another person that officers were looking for.

I heard arguing in the background and instantly placed the volume of my TV down to hear what was going on.

Dad was going off on someone and I assumed it was one of the people he works with since this new case has arrived, but I noticed that the person he was screaming at was here and not over the phone.

I got off my bed and peaked my head out the door to hear someone say, "Just let me see her."

I didn't pay too much mind to it until I realized it was Jovan. I swung my room door open and ran out to see that he and my father were standing out in the rain just going at it.

"Didn't I tell you not to come by anymore? You know what the fuck our deal is!" Dad snapped with a furious look.

"I know man. I'm about to leave but I gotta see her one last time. You not gonna see me again after this shit," Jovan replied.

His eyes were puffy and bloodshot red. It honestly seemed like he'd been crying for hours non-stop and I wouldn't be surprised if it was due to Draco being shot.

"No!" Dad rebutted, "I told you if you left town and didn't come in contact with her than i'd leave you alone."

I came outside, where they were and stared my dad up and down. "He's going to leave okay? He's just here to officially say goodbye. The least you can do is let him do that."

Dad opened his mouth to say something disappointing, but he brushed his next words off before looking at Jovan. "You have five minutes and five minutes only. I swear if you're not out of here by 12:30 i'm reporting you my own damn self."

Jovan nodded his head and waited for dad to leave before he grabbed me into his arms tightly.

I could feel his warmth covering my body completely. I could also feel light trembles as I wrapped my arms around him, embracing his touch.

"They took him from me," He mumbled lightly, hugging me tighter with his breath panting quickly.

"I'm so sorry Jovan," I replied before pulling back to see his face. He was exhausted, tired, frustrated, mad all at once and it showed.

He lifted my head up and stared at me, taking in the last appearance we'll have of each other. "I'm not gonna let you stay here."

I felt my eyes start to water and tried to force it to go away. "Just promise you'll come back for me?"

He kept my head up and kissed my lips gently, "I promise i'll come back for you," He stated before lifting my shirt up and kissing my stomach, "Both of you."

He let go of me gradually made his way back to the van while I just stood there in shock, looking down at my belly.

It wasn't until than, when I realized what his plan was.


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