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"Now I see why i've been having bumps all over my face," I whispered to myself feeling blood run down my legs.

My body had a bad way of expressing itself whenever I started my period. I knew the cramps would start kicking in any minute now, and that's exactly what was happening.

I wrapped my arms around my belly tightly before scurrying past Jovan into the bathroom. I could see him ready to pop off because of the blood that was on his couch but he decided against it.

Yea, I haven't spoken to him for three days and didn't even feel bad about it. He didn't make an effort to speak to me either.

From what i've seen, Kayla and Draco aren't talking to him, also.

When I squatted down on the toilet, I looked through the cabinets to see if there were any tampons left and there weren't.

"SHITTTT." I squirmed around in my seat and took an infamous amount of toilet paper to stuff in my underwear until I go to the store to retrieve a new batch.

Once I was out of the bathroom I could hear Jovan going off on everyone.

"WHO THE FUCK HAS IT?" He yelled and everyone kept yelling back simple remarks of, "I don't know"

"I swear on my life when I find out who took my Journal i'm burning yo' ass alive." He walked out the living room area and slammed his room door behind him. "If niggas thought I was trigger happy wait till they see what I can do with a lighter."

A smirk grew on my face as everyone else spoke amongst each other on where they've last seen it.

Draco ended up leaving in the middle of the commotion since he was 'sick and tired of Jovans bullshit.'  Kayla dipped right after him letting me know that she had a new nail appointment.

I laid on the couch just looking outside the window as the pain in my stomach started turning dangerously. This shit real life was hurting me.

The sounds of Jovans first banging against the wall was getting louder and louder only showing how angry he was. I even heard a few items break from when he was throwing it around and I couldn't help but smile.

"It's just a damn notebook," I mumbled seeing two stray cats fight each other near the garbage bin.

"Nah, it ain't just a damn notebook," Marquess stated, "He ain't sleep them whole three nights since his shit been missing."

"It's that serious?"

Everyone in the room stared at me like I was some idiot. "Yes nigga, it is that serious."

"I'll help him look for it when i'm back from Powell's," May informed us before standing to her feet and handing me a key, "And this is for you."

"What is this?" I asked seeing that it was gold and even a little heavy. They key was decorated with authentic designs.

"Powell was impressed by how fast you shot your gun and by your aim. He says he wants you to be his assistant cuz."

I rolled my eyes and tossed it back. "And why the hell would I do that?"

There was no way I was going to allow myself to be used a second time. The only reason why I was in Powell's building was to satisfy everyone's needs and right now I should be worried about my own.

May shoved my legs out the way and sat beside me. "Look, I know you hate Jovan for what he said but I feel like you participating in taking Pow down would really help all of us."

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