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It surprised me when my mother came by today. She actually showed up to my house with her arms out ready to hug me tightly.

Draco peeped from inside the house and shook his head a little. He wasn't the biggest fan of my mother but everyone else was.

I guess it was because when he was younger he had to constantly witness his mother getting cheated on by Ram with my mom.

"What you doin' over here? You don't remember how our last conversation went?" I asked her while returning a light hug.

My mom use to be the shit back then, according to every sixty or fifty year old man who passes me by the street. They never fail to let me know that she had that WAP and honestly it was something I didn't want to hear.

"Yes, which is why im here. I wanted to apologize to you by the way I was speaking about your sister and everything else. I just want you to understand I was hurt because of what her and Morris did to me." She took a seat outside my porch simply fanning herself.

I went inside and grabbed a few boxes to place in the truck. In those boxes were weapons I was supposed to be supplying for Dove's warehouse. If I was going to take him down then I needed to move accordingly and not seem suspicious.

As of right now Nessa, May, and Kayla are supposed to be at Powell's getting the information I needed. Nothings better than knocking two birds with one stone.

"Speaking of Athena. I went down to Rams place the other day and he told me she was still alive." I tossed the second load into the truck and Draco came out with the third one. "Even named her son after me."

His lips twisted at the sound of his fathers name and he shot me a hard look. I never told him I was visiting Ram and I never told Ram I was temporarily living with Draco.

My brother probably felt I was betraying him knowing that their history was fatal and deceiving. I would be mad too if my step brother had a better relationship with my father then I did.

"What?" Momma looked at me crazy with her eyes bulging out her face, "I don't know why you still speak to him. He knows your sister isn't alive and he's just using you just like he did Draco and his other sons. He uses everyone so he can get his spot back as the lead when it comes to being apart of the KingPin family and having a name."

I slammed the back door shut and just looked at her. She really came all this way wearing a turtle neck and some sweatpants knowing it was at least 96 degrees out. "Don't get me wrong I know he's using me but I also think he's not lying about her being alive."

"And mama yo weave kinda sweating out," I added in trying to pull her lace down but her sweat kept making it lift up.

She slapped my hand away and managed to fix it on her own. "I feel like we should work on our relationship. I haven't seen you in years and there's things we need to catch up on. I really do love you baby."

She got up and pulled me into another hug, which I returned. Behind her I could see Draco shaking his head slowly before hitting his forth blunt of the day.

Once she was done we set up a date for her to come by so we could speak some more. I didn't tell her about my plan to takeover Dove since they were dating and she has a bad habit of dick riding.

"Yo' mama fishy, physically and metaphorically," Draco told me once she left the premises.

"Don't be mad cause you motherless and fatherless bitch," I mumbled stepping into the car and starting it up.

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