Chapter 9

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HEY GUYS!! So my boyfriend and I had a falling out and we're not together anymore so hopefully I can update some more for you guys. I just want to say thank you to you all who are patiently waiting for me to update. I love you all so very much. Please Vote, Comment, Share, and Follow


Chapter 9

*A Week Later*

Walking out of the therapy room and into the rest of the hospital made me feel at home. Saying I never had one to begin with, it feels nice. I'm around people who care about me. About what I'm feeling and thinking.

The only bad thing that happened is that Leo has a tumor now. It's in his brain. Everyone found out about two days ago, things haven't been okay for him. He just lays in bed, doesn't eat, or even talk. Not to anyone. Not even me.

Emily had surgery and her arm is gone. But she still finds a way to read even tho the doctors say she needs rest. I help her out in the room when visiting hours are over.

Jordi's grandma came to his side and he's going through chemo. His hair is thinning out but it's okay. It happens.

Dash had his daily routine going on with his breathing and sponge baths.

Kara fell in love with this guy named Hunter. But Hunter had surgery to get a new liver and died. Little did anyone know, he legally gave his heart to her. Legal documents and everything. Of course she took it after a little while.

While Emma on the other hand, she's back in the hospital. She's in serious conditions. Conditions that can cause permanent damage. Everyone talks to her when they can. I visit very often and so does Jordi.

As for myself. I'm only allowed to snap for two hours everyday and it has to be monitored for more studies. My room is often searched for anything that can hurt me. Personally I don't think I'm getting any better. The doctors tell me I am but I don't believe it. I still snap. Not all day constantly but I still do, and I think about it all the time.

My therapist told me, Life is a bitch but you can't quit after the first hurdle.

So I just keep that in my mind. It helps me in the dark days. When we found out Leo had a tumor, no one really did anything. Because he's our superman. And we found out that our superman might have to retire. 

Today I'm gonna try something different with talking to Leo or at least trying to get him to talk.

I pushed open the door and he didn't even look at me. I slammed it shut and jumped.

"Okay listen to me. Just this once. This isn't healthy for you. To just sit here and waste away. At least eat something." I begged.


"You know what. Fuck you Leo. I've tired to help you and this isn't helping me. So if you're not gonna try then why should I. You know where I am if you wanna find me." I said

I stormed out of the room and down towards my room. Emily was laying there talking to her parents. I grabbed a pair of yoga shorts and a tank top. I went into the bathroom and changed.

I grabbed my headphones and my iPod and pressed play on War of Change by Thousand Foot Krutch.

I turned it up all the way. I had no idea where I wanted to go so my feet started walking. I threw my hair into a pony tail and found myself in the gym.

I went on the nearest treadmill and started running.

Faster and faster the machine went. My therapist walked into the room and began studying me. How I was running. My figure and how fast I was running.

He tapped my shoulder and I paused my music.

"I think we've had a break through." He said with excitement. "You run and work out a lot so we could try to do that rather than hurting yourself."

I slowed down to a fast walk as a cool down.

"So you're saying that me running and working out is a good thing and could help me get better?" I asked

"Yes. A very good way to help you get better" he was so happy. But I wasn't. I just wanted to run.

"Alright well can I finish this run by myself?" I asked. He just nodded his head and left the room.


After my run I started walking back to my room to shower. But I passed by Leo's room.

"Rowan!" Leo called out. I stopped dead in my tracks and turn and faced him "I'm sorry."

I started walking again. I don't know why but I just didn't care to hear what he said. Not right now. I felt better.

I pushed the door open to my room to find it empty. That means Emily had physical therapy today. So I threw my iPod down onto the bed and took my sweater off.

I removed my shirt so I was standing there in my sports bra. I took that off and my shorts off.

I grabbed a brush and started combing through my hair. Grabbing a white towel I pushed the bathroom door open and out of the corner of my eye I saw Leo standing there. My feet dragged me into the bathroom.

Hey Guys!! Sorry for not updating but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I know it seems like their relationship is crashing but just wait ;) this is nothing. Please Vote, Comment your thoughts on the chapter, Share and Follow! Thanks! Stay Amazing


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