Chapter 11

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Hey Guys! Sorry for not updating. I still love you all! I myself am not in the best postition. I just found out that one of my best friends has just attemped suicide. My heart is broken. So I'm trying to there for her right now.


Chapter 11

*Three Weeks Later*

"Im getting out?" I asked as my foster parents came into my room

"Yeah! Your doctors said you've made excellent progress. You will still have to take the medication and go to therapy but you can leave the hospital." She said with joy.

"That's amazing. When do I leave?" I asked

"Today! Your dad and I have paper work to fill out so we will be down stairs doing that while you pack your things." They hugged me and left.

I jumped into the air with joy. I'm better now. I get to leave.

But that means I have to leave everyone behind. Grabbing my phone I called Leo.

"Leo come to my room right now!" I yelled and hung up.

I grabbed my suitcase from underneath my bed and started packing.

A few minutes later, Leo walked into my room with bags underneath his eyes.

"Whats going on?" He asked pulling up a chair from my desk and sat down.

"I'm leaving. They say I'm better and that I get to leave. Isn't that exciting?!" I said.

"I'm glad for you. I really am." He sounded disappointed.

"I get to to live a normal life now."I said with joy

"What about us? What about Emma? Or Emily?" he paused "You're just gonna leave like that?"

"What do you want me to say Leo? That I'm gonna fake being sick just so I can stay here with you?" I continued to pack my things. "Because I won'tI've worked two hard not to leave. I thought you wanted me to get better?"

"I do Rowan, I really do but what about me? I have two months left to live and I want them to be with you." his eyes became watery "I want to die happy."

"I promise I'll come and visit. We can talk all the time or even Skype. I'm only a short drive away Leo."

Walking over to him I sat on his lap and kissed him ever so lightly. But it did leave me wanting more. Leo was y best friend here. It will be really hard to let go once he passes.

"I'll miss that the most." he said kissing me again

"You won't have to. I promise I will come and visit you this weekend. (ITs Tuesday) Just give me a few days to settle back into my foster home life." I begged

"Alright but I wanna Skype you every night." he pleaded back

He knew me pretty well as he hit me with the puppy dog eyes.

"I can do that." I said kissing him back.

I left this kiss a longer one. His touch made my body tingle as his hands traced my sides. I didn't wanna let go. Our lips moved together in sync. He pulled away first.

"Do you need help packing?" he asked

"I think i'll be alright." I stood up off his lap as my foster parents walked in.

I just threw the rest of my things in the bag and zipped it shut. Leo stood up and gave me one last hug.

I hugged him as tight as I could. With my arms around his neck and his around my waist. I took in every detail that I could.

"I love you Leo." I whispered

"I love you too." he replied "But I'm gonna go back to my room and let you pack. Come see me before you go."

I just nodded my head. He left the room and I was once again left alone. I only have one year left and then I'm on my own. I can move out into the world and live my life for me.

It sounds scary.

They came back a few minutes later and said that we could leave. Glancing back at my room I sighed, leaving this place would be hard but I would be okay and I can visit.

"I wanna say good bye to my friends real quick. Can I meet you guys in the lobby?" I asked, I really wanted to see Leo before I left.

"Yes of course. We have to talk to your therapist as well." my mom said

I handed off my bags to my dad and ran towards Leo's room. Pushing open the door I saw everyone there. They all looked at me when I opened the door.

Emma ran into my arms and I could hear her sobs. I hugged her back as tight as I could. She became one of my closest friends ever. She pulled away so someone else could hug me.

Dash ran over and picked me up and spun me around. Dash could always make me laugh when I was down. He put me down.

Jordi came over and gave me a graceful hug, he became my big brother and I needed him. Jordi was my shoulder to cry on when I couldn't go to Leo.

"I might actually miss you." Kara said

"I'll miss you too." I replied as that my form of a hug from her

Lastly, Leo. He was the first I met here and the only person I trust with my life. He's gonna be the hardest to say goodbye to. He was my best friend, my big brother and most of all my boyfriend.

I hugged him as my tears finally decided to flow. I hugged him as tight as I could because he was the one I didn't wanna say goodbye to. Gently he rubbed my back which helped a little.

The next thing I know I feel numbers of arms come around me as I received a group hug.

"Can we have a minute alone?" Leo asked.

People slowly left the room.

"Rowan, I wanted to give you this. The band from the surgery when I got my leg removed. I want you to have it. Something to remember us by." He spoke.

"Leo are you sure?" I asked

He just nodded his head.

I leaned in and kissed him one last time because it would be my last one for a while. It wasn't the best kiss we've ever had since my face was tear stained but it had to do.

"Rowan I love you."

"I love you too Leo"

I hugged him again as I herd the doors open. I pulled away and turned around to see my parents standing there.

It was time.

Looking into Leo's eyes I knew he was hurt but he put on his smile for me. I smiled back.

"I'll come visit. I promise." I said to everyone as we walked down the hallway.

My mom pressed the button on the elevator and we stepped in. Sorrow came upon me as I had to leave this home of mine.

It was better than the foster home that's for sure.

We got into the car and drove home.

"We have a surprise for you when we get home. " My mom said

"Just tell her now." My dad chimed in

"You're being adopted!" She yelled.




Hey Guys!! Cliffhanger. I'm sorry I had to do this but I did. There's only gonna be a few chapters left in this story to be sure to Vote, Comment, Share and Follow for me. Thank you all so much for staying with me. It really means a lot. I love you all!! Stay Amazing


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