Chapter 4

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HEY GUYS! Sorry for being stupid and not updating and all. But I wanted to say thanks and not giving up on me. I love you all so very much. Enjoy this chapter


Chapter 4

I woke up to find a empty room. Well by empty I mean no one is in it. I glanced out the window to see rain pouring down on the window. The sound made my eyes feel heavy. I tried fighting it. But it didn't work out so well. I fell back asleep.


I woke up once again to see nurse Jackson standing over me about to inject more medicine in me.

"Stop! I don't want that. It makes me sleep to much." I begged rubbing my eyes.

"Are you sure?" she asked. I just nodded my head. She turned and headed out of the room. "Wait!"

"What?" she said turning back around.

"When can I get up and walk around? And put normal clothes on? I hate this hospital gown." I pestered

"Well the bandages were removed just a few hours ago. You can walk around just take it easy. Your bag is right there with all your clothes in it. And your family is bringing by a dresser for you today as well." She said.

"Thank you." I said and she nodded back as she headed out of the room.

I threw my blanket over me and carefully swung my feet over the side of the bed. I placed my feet on the cold ground sending chills down my spine. I kept my hand on the bed so I could use it as a guide. With caution, I walked to the desk near the window with all my belongings on it.

I searched around my bag for my iPod. I ripped off the cover to find my blade sitting there. I barley used it but it was nice to know that my 'family' didn't find it. I quickly put my cover back on. Grabbing a pair of jeans, a long sleeve black tank top, new underwear and a bra. I headed to what I thought was the bathroom.

I pushed open the door and sure enough it was. I threw my clothes on the counter and closed the door. I stripped naked and turned the shower on.


After showering and blow drying my hair, it got thrown into a pony tail with my bangs down. Walking around in normal clothes once again felt nice. I grabbed an extra rubber band from my bag and started snapping it on my wrist.

"Hey. I'm Emma. I don't think we officially met yet. I'll be your roommate." She lightly smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm Rowan. Is this my desk?" I asked pointing to it.

"Yeah. Mines over here. They said that your dresser would be coming in later today. I can help you unpack if you want." she offered. I slid my iPod into my pocket and shook my head no

"No it's fine. But you do have to show me where the cafeteria is. I'm starving." I said twirling the rubber band around my wrist

"Sure. I was about to head there too actually. There are a few people I want you to meet though. Their really nice. You would like them. Trust me." She said heading towards the door. I followed her.

The hallways were long and confusion. It would be easy for a person to get lost here. I quietly stayed in her shadow until we reached the cafe. Where she went running towards a table filled with people.

One of the kids was the bald guy with crutches the other day. I sat down next to her while everyone looked at me.

"Guys this is Rowan. She's my roommate." Emma announced. I just smiled as everyone looked at me.

She started introducing everyone and their condition. "Jordi, who has cancer in his leg, Leo who lost his leg from cancer..."


That was his name. He grinned when she introduced him. I smiled at him.

"Look it's nice to meet you all but I'm starving and I don't know how these lines work at all." I say.

"Here I'll show you." Jordi said standing up.

I followed him to the lunch line.


After lunch we all went back to 'The Swamp' I think that's what Dash said. By all of us I mean Leo, Jordi. Emma, Dash, and myself. We were all hanging out, just talking, laughing and having a good time.

"Hey bitches. The party has just arrived." Kara said sitting down on Jordi's bed. "Rowan, why are you here? Did nurse Jackson send you here? Just so your not temped to slit your wrists."

"Kara!" Leo yelled. I hadn't exactly told anyone besides Leo my condition. Not even Emma. But she might know.

"It's fine. I haven't slit my wrists. But my condition always causes me to make my inflict pain on myself." I said.

The rest of the group fell quiet and gave me stares. I just looked at the floor.

"Well I'm gonna go then." I stood up and walked out of the room. I started walking towards my room as I felt someone grab my wrist.

"Hey Rowan. I'm sorry about Kara. She can be a bitch at some times." Jordi said

"Yeah, I know. I go to her school." I said turning away.

"Well you can stop by the swamp anytime you want. Okay? even if Kara is there. Just because she's around doesn't mean you don't have to be." He preached sympathetically.

"Thanks Jordi. But I think I'm gonna go this time. I still have to unpack my things. Since I'll be living here now." I turned and walked away.


I opened my bed room door to see a dresser by my bed. I chuckled a little when I saw my stickers and posters on my old dresser. I decided to re-arrange my side of the room to fit the dresser in nicely. 

The bed was against the wall. My dresser was next to it and on the other side of the room is where I put my dresser, it was next to the door for the bathroom. My lamp was on my desk along with my sketch book. Yes I draw but not a lot and I'm not very good at it. My clothes found their ways into my dresser and my Christmas lights that I have in my room are now around the window near the edge of my bed and all the way to my desk. 

I had my iPod and speaker plugged into the wall near my dresser. To be honest, I've never had this much room to myself before. It was really nice. 

I pulled the chair up from my desk and placed it in front of the window. I turned on Iris by Goo Goo Dolls, and put it on repeat but had it quietly playing in the background. Grabbing my black sketch book and a few pencils. I sat down on my chair and kicked my feet up on the windowsill and started drawing the view from my room.





HEY GUYS!! Sorry for not updating but yeah. So here's your update. I put a lot of work into this chapter and I really like how it came out. Please Comment, on your thoughts of the chapter. It would be greatly appreciated. Please, Vote, and Share for me. Thanks! Stay Amazing <3


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