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"Jisung sweetie come here" Jisung heard his mom call from the kitchen the second he walked through the door.

He walked him to see his parents standing there speaking to one another before turning toward him with a smile.

He greets them before asking what is going on since this wasn't a usual occasion. Usually, Jisung would get home do his homework, help his mother with dinner, eat, do the dishes, and spend the rest of the night either reading or playing whatever games he could get on his slow crappy phone. So them calling him into the kitchen the second he got home was strange and somewhat scary.

"We saved a bit of money and decided to take a small vacation. The shop is gonna be closed for a few days but We think we all deserve a break. We have talked to the school and Jaemin agreed to bring your work to you when you are back and even offered to teach you what you don't understand" his father said with a big smile.

Jisung also smiled brightly. His parents own a small tteokbokki restaurant. They don't make too much but just enough for the three of them to live day by day. To him, his family deserved this trip more than any other so he was super excited. Of course, since they didn't make much he didn't expect to go anywhere far maybe Daegu or Busan. But either way, he was happy to be able to go out with his family.

"Where are we going," he asked wondering how much he should pack.

"Well we'll be staying a couple of days in China" His mother happily said.

This shocked the tall boy since he wasn't expecting to go onto a plane or anything like that. Hell the fairy boat trip to Jeju-do would normally cost too much for a small family. So the thought of a plane ride to a different country was completely out of Jisungs mind.

"Go pack we're leaving tomorrow morning," his dad said patting his son on the back slightly nudging him toward the steps. Before continuing his conversation with his wife.

Jisung didn't waste any time running upstairs and packing everything into a small travel suitcase his parents bought him for a school camping trip a few years back.

He called his friends Jeno, Mark, and Jaemin talking to them about his soon trip.

Of course, Jaemin already knew since he agreed to help Jisung with school once he was back but he couldn't help but smile when hearing the excitement in his younger friend's voice.

Jisungs friend group consisted of 3 boys older than him. Jeno and Jaemin are 2 years older than him and Mark is 3. Yet the 4 boys got along really well. There was also Donghyuck also known as Haechan who was Mark's boyfriend even though the elder wouldn't admit it.

They were the greatest friends Jisung could ask for. They were always there to help Jisung and his family through tough times. He couldn't count how many times his friends and their families helped save the restaurant and family home. He was more than grateful to them and would do anything for the three boys.

Once Jisung finished packing he said a quick goodbye to his friends with the promise of pictures before hanging up and laying on his small twin-sized bed quickly falling asleep with dreams of his soon-to-be vacation.

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