Chapter 4

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Third-person POV

It had been an hour since Tobio had come back to the palace from the park visit with Tetsuro.

Tooru had wanted to know all about it, but Tobio had always responded with something along the lines of, "we only walked around in silence nothing special,"

At the moment, Tobio, Tooru and Hajime all sat at the dining table eating in comfortable silence.

"Thank you for the dinner," Tobio bowed his head and asked, "may I be excused?"

Tooru nodded and Tobio made his way to his bedroom in the tallest tower on the top floor. His bedroom was plain, but it had posters of the Schweiden Adlers and frames pictures of him and his family together.

One framed picture was signed by Nicollas Romero. Tobio was able to meet the Schweiden adlers and it was a really great experience.

The framed picture signed by Nicollas Romero contained Tobio in the middle of the Schweiden Adlers doing either a piece sign or waving while smiling. Tobio smiled at the picture while wishing to meet them again.

He decided to just get some rest as the next day was Sunday, a good day to relax.


Tobio was woken up by birds chirping literally right outside his window.

He turned around to face the window to see 3 birds singing joyfully together. Tobio wanted to scowl at them but he couldn't muster the energy to do so.

He just decided to try and close his eyes again and go to sleep. Which he found impossible.

He opened his eyes again and decided to busy himself with something. Maybe sticky note the walls? Why not.


He had been placing sticky notes all over his walls to busy himself. He had only half a stack left after using maybe 3 stacks already.

He took the remainder of the sticky notes and wrote 2 sentences on it signing it with his name.

He has always wanted to try this. The birds who were singing on his window sill. He had found out the birds were not singing, but making a shrieking noise.

They were pigeons.

Tobio opened the window and the pigeons started to make a short grunted sound while flapping a short distance away before making their way back to the window sill.

Tobio quickly went to his secret stash of milk and bread and grabbed a couple crumbs of bread.

Tobio then proceeded to roll the sticky nott into a tiny tube.

"Here you go little pigeon," Tobio fed the pigeon some crumbs and tied the note to his leg.

"Will you give this to the first person you see?" Tobio asked.

The pigeon obviously gave no human response and didn't seem to understand but it flew away anyway and the other 2 followed.

It was very stupid he knew, but he felt like he just entered a Harry Potter AU so let him be.

If you're wondering what the note said here you go:

Hello person I may not be familiar with. This note was just to see if my dreams could come true.

- Tobio

Tobio closed the window and began sticking sticky notes on the wall, waiting to see if he could get a response from the unreasonable idea and note.


The next day was Monday. A day Tobio hated, obviously. He was always very grumpy and when he awoke he saw the bright sticky notes from the previous day that were stuck to his walls by him.

He groaned at the sudden brightness and immediately turned the other way.

His door was opened slowly, as if someone wanted to creep up on him. Tobio bolted up to see Tooru there fully dressed.

"What time is it?" Tobio asked. "It's 9am," Tooru smiled and walked over to Tobio's bed. Tooru sat down on Tobio's bed.

"Are we going to have a talk?" Tobio asked worridly. "Oh no definitely no!" Laughed Tooru. "I just wanted to come in and say hi to my beautiful son," smiled Tooru. "Also wanted to tell you that we have a bit of a rat infestation in the kitchen so we can't have any breakfast today," finished Tooru quickly.

"oh," Tobio responded unfazed. Tooru rolled his eyes and also said, "today is another relaxing day, you can meet up with Tetsuro if you like," Tooru wriggled his eyebrows.

Tobio rolled his eyes and fell backwards into his bed. "I just wanna sleep," he mumbled.

Tooru smiled at him and kissed his cheek.
"Well then sweet dreams," he smiled.

I feel proud of this chapter.

Anyways thanks for reading :)

Stay safe :)

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