Octavia quickly climbed up the latter soon as the sunset, after she gave the remaining awake dequlients some of the illusion nuts.
She opened the hatch and climbed into the medium-sized metal room, she flicked on the lamp and walked over to Axel and Ace.
"Hey, it's time." Octavia spoke, Ace opened her eyes with a groan. Octavia's eyes widen and Axel shot up.
"Time for what?" She asked, rubbing her eyes and sitting up, Axel embraced the younger twin tightly. "Thank God, you're okay." Axel sighed in relief, he let go of his sister and got onto his feet.
"Im fine, did I fell hard onto a pile of rocks or did they crash into me?" Ace asked, groaning at pain in her body. Axel smiled and rolled his eyes as Octavia giggled.
"You've been out for a week and you scared the hell out of me A!" Axel said, punching his sister on the arm. She winced and rubbed the spot he punched, "sorry sorry."
"If we want to get the grounders out of here, we have to get this done now." Octavia said and stood up, Ace got onto her feet and held out her arms to balance herself. She shook her head to make the dizziness to go away, Axel gripped her hand and walked over to the grounders.
Ace pulled a knife from her waistband of her jeans and walked over to Anya, she bend down and cut the rope off from Anyas feet first, she handed the knife to Octavia to get Anyas hands. Axel cut the rope from Lincoins feet with a sharp piece of metal, Octavia walked over and cut down the rope that restrained Lincoins hands.
"Okay," Octavia said, walking over and opening the metal hatch that leads down to the second and first floor.
Lincoin looked at the 3 skycrew members before He turned to Ace, "nice to see awake, young one."
"Thank you," Ace said, nodding her head, then held out her forearm. "Ace Reyes, youngest and youngest twin." Lincoin gripped her small forearm, "Lincoln kom treekru." Ace turned to Anya and offered her forearm, Anya also gripped her small forearm. "War general Anya Kom treekru."
Lincoins and Anyas eyes narrowed at the twins, they seem different from the rest of skycrew.
"What was that?" Octavia asked, looking at the Anyas and Aces linked forearms. They unlinked forearms, Ace shrugged.
"We gotta get going." Octavia said.
"They'll know you helped us," Lincoin said, looking at Octavia.
"If you stay here, you'll both die." Axel said, looking at the grounders, "I'm not gonna let that happen," Octavia added, looking down the hatch, listening to any nosies or sounds that could be a dequlient.
"Im not putting you 3 in danger." Lincoin said, Anya looked at him and then back at the twins.
"We need to do this now okay?" Octavia said, helping lincoin to the latter.
The small group of two cursebloods, one teenage skycrew and two grounders made it to the first floor. They walked carefully, stepping over some of the sleeping dequlients, once they make it to the dropship. A few dequlients who were putting on watch were walking around like their drunk.
"Wow, they did alot. Maybe they are smart." Ace said, looking at the tents and the built wall, Axel chuckled and shook his head, "nah, their still idiots." Ace giggled, walking to the gate with the others following.
"What'd you do?" Anya asked, watching some of the guards that were high off nuts. Octavia grabbed a packet of the Jobi nuts and tossed them to her on the way to the gate.
"Set out some of our winter rations early." Octavia said, she opened the gate. Lincoin looked at the small packet in anyas hands.
"Ah, Jobi nuts." Lincoin said.
"The food you gave, they go bad." Anya said, she turns to the twins. "Don't ever eat them til you know their right," the twins nodded, Anya and Lincoin went out of the gate.
Finn spotted the two grounders, he nodded into the direction of the forest. Anya and Lincoin ran off into the forest.
Octavia and the twins went to the campfire and sat around the hot orange flame, they stayed there until some of the other dequlients woke up. Monty and Jasper sat down next to Octavia and infront of the twins.
"Ace, you're awake!" Jasper said, walking over to the younger twin and embracing her, she returned the embrace. "Yeah, i am."
Monty walked over and embraced her after Jasper and her parted, "It's so good to have you awake," he said, ruffling the younger twins hair.
"Rough night?" Monty asked octavia, she looked at him and nodded, "yeah. My head is killing me, you?"
"Im pretty sure I ate a pine cone because it told me too." Monty said, still tasting the awful taste in this mouth, making a disguste face. The four of them laughed at the boy.
"Ace?!" Raven called, running over to the campfire and embracing the younger girl. Ace embraced the girl back tightly. "When did you wake up?"
"About, 10 mins ago?" Ace lied, Axel and Octavia nodded. Raven sighed in relief, she kissed the twins head before sitting next to Ace on the log infront of the fire.
"Hes gone!" Miller yelled, running out of the dropship. "The grounders are gone!"
"What if they bring other grounders?" Jasper asked the group around the fire.
"He'll kill us all!" A male yelled from the crowd, "or worse!" A female added from the crowd.
"Let the grounders come!" A familiar voice came from direction of the gate, the crowd turns to the gate to see Bellamy and Clarke coming in. "we've been afraid of them for far too long, and why? Because of their knives and spears. I don't know about you but I'm done being afriad." Bellamy rambles, he drops a tarp, revealing guns.
"These are weapons, ok, not toys, and we have to be prepared to give them up to the guard when the dropships come, but until then, they're gonna help keep us safe." Clarke explains.
"There are plenty more where these came from. Tomorrow we start training, and if the grounders come, we're gonna be ready to fight." Bellamy says, his eyes landing on Axel and his eyes widen once he sees Ace by him.
After the speech, Clarke and Bellamy put the guns into the dropship and Bellamy came to the door and looked out to the camp, he noticed Octavia by the camp wall. He grabbed a small blanket and walked over to her.
He placed the blanket over his sister, "I don't expect you to forgive me, but you'll find a way to live with me because I'm not going anywhere." Octavia stayed slient, Bellamy looked over his shoulder and saw the twins at the fire, talking and eating. "Don't go around the cursebloods."
"Bellamy, stop. Their kids, they have done nothing." Octavia said, pushing the blanket off her. Bellamy clenched his jaw, "o, their cursebloods."
"Go away Bellamy." Octavia said, turning back away and leaning on the wall, Bellamy scoffed and walks back to camp.
Cursebloods (RE-WRITTEN)
FanfictionReyes twins, age 7, incarcerated not only for being born but for being curse bloods - a group of individuals that the people on the ark fear greatly for their untamable power and lack of controllability. They are science experiements gone wrong. Whe...