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The next morning, almost everybody was awake in the kitchen. They were hungry, but nobody wanted to cook. Felix got a text from his mom saying he needed to be home soon. He started walking upstairs to tell Minho he was leaving, but something stopped him. He remembered the sounds he heard the night before and decided to just send him a text instead.

"That was fast. Did you already tell him?" Changbin asked.

"No, I think I'm just gonna text him instead. I really don't want to see the aftermath."

"Why?" Jeongin and Jisung were confused while everybody else laughed.

"Could y'all not hear it?" Hyunjin questioned. "They were so loud." He fake cried. Jisung realized what they were saying.

"I'm still confused. What was going on?" Jeongin looked around. Jisung whispered what had happened. "Ew what the fuck?" Everybody laughed.

"Okay, I gotta go now." Felix lightly kissed Changbin and started walking towards the door. "Bye guys." He walked out and got in his car, sending a text to Minho.

hey, my mom wanted me home. i just left. hope you had fun last night ;)

okay, that's fine. how'd you know? 😳

somebody doesn't know how to shut up "fUcKInG chOkE Me"😩

how long have you been awake?

idk like 20 minutes, i just got out the shower

does everybody else know? 👀

jisung and jeongin didn't but don't worry, we told them

fuck off 😭😭

love you ❤️❤️ see you tmrw at school


love you too 🙄

Minho got dressed and went downstairs, finding everybody hanging out now in the living room.

"Hey, kitten." Changbin teased.

"Don't." Minho rolled his eyes, sitting down next to Jisung. He was acting a little weird, but Minho didn't put too much thought into it. Everybody stopped teasing, not wanting to piss Minho off. After a little while longer, Chan walked downstairs. He was fully dressed, but he looked very tired with bad bed-head.

"Somebody had a rough night." Seungmin said. Everybody tried not to laugh. Chan just kinda stared at them, confused. He couldn't tell if they actually knew what happened or if he just looked tired.

"They know." Minho confirmed.

"Did you tell them?"

"He didn't have to." Hyunjin said. "Walls are thin, dude."

"Not my fault he wasn't quiet."

"Hey, don't put all the blame on me. They heard you, too." Minho defended. They kept arguing about whose fault it was while the others laughed. Minho placed his hand on Jisung's knee. He quickly brushed it off, and crossed his leg, making it further away from the elder. Minho was confused and just stared at Jisung for a second. Luckily, nobody else noticed.

"I think I'm gonna go get some breakfast, do you guys want anything?" Hyunjin questioned, slipping his shoes on. Everybody told him what they wanted, promising to venmo him later.

"Ji, wanna come with?"

"Sure." He put his shoes on and left with Hyunjin. They climbed into Hyunjin's car. Jisung played some music, but Hyunjin turned it back off pretty quickly.

"Why'd you want me to come with? Why not Seungmin?"

"Cause I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?"


"But why?" This was the last thing Jisung wanted to talk about.

"Because I want to make sure you're okay. I know we talked about it yesterday and you were already upset about him and Chan. And then, last night they..." Hyunjin trailed off.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me. I saw how you were acting. You wouldn't let him touch you."

"You saw that?"

"Yes, I saw that. That's why I'm worried. Tell me what's going on." Jisung sighed, deciding to tell Hyunjin what he was thinking.

"It's just that like you said, I already worried about it. Like, I obviously know they're best friends, but it just feels like there's something else there. And them fucking pretty much just confirmed it."

"Well, you had sex, right?"

"I mean, yeah, but that's different."

"Why is it different?" Hyunjin was almost yelling, frustrated with Jisung.

"Because they're already super close. We aren't, we're just normal friends."

"Sung, are you seriously this dumb? You think Minho doesn't care about you the same way he feels about Chan?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I think."

"Who had sex with him?"

"Both of us."

"Who's been friends longer?"

"It's the same."

"Who does he always buy shit for?" Jisung didn't respond, finally understanding what Hyunjin was saying. "Who?"

"Me." Jisung seemed upset.

"Listen, I'm not trying to get upset with you. It's just that he cares about you, and you need to realize that."

"Thank you, hyung."

"Anytime, dumbass." They laughed and got the food, heading back to Minho's. "You good now?" Hyunjin asked before they went back into the house.

"Yeah, I think so." They walked in, and everybody looked up towards the door, smiling at the food. They set everything down on the table as everybody found what they wanted. Conversation filled the room, everybody laughing.

Jisung was talking to Changbin when he felt somebody wrap their arms around his waist. He slightly turned his head and saw Minho smiling at him. Blush spread across his cheeks as he held eye contact with his crush being so close to his face.

"I missed you, Sungie."

"I was only gone for like an hour. Not even."

"Are you okay, now? You seemed upset earlier." Minho rested his head in the crook of Jisung's neck. The hot breath sending chills down Jisung's spine.

"Y-yeah. I'm good now."

"Why the stutter?" Minho lightly kissed the bottom of his neck. "Hmm?" Changbin just stood there watching this unfold in front of him, trying not to laugh.

"I- I didn't." Jisung clears his throat. "I didn't."

"If you say so." Minho let go and walked over, grabbing his food. Changbin started laughing and pointing at Jisung.

"Shut up." He punched Changbin and started eating his food too, still slightly flustered from his interaction with Minho. 

The way this story is called love alarm, but I've barely even mentioned it so far. I'M SORRY. I swear this is going to be relevant. Just like, not yet lol 

𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕞 // 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now