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The next morning, Minho woke up first. He looked up at the boy holding him. He was too focused on Chan's features and warmth, that he hadn't noticed he had woken up.

"Morning, baby." Chan said, in a low raspy voice.

"Morning." Minho kept staring at him not caring if he was being creepy. "You're so beautiful, Channie."

"You too, Kitten." Chan grinned, tightening his hug on Minho.

"You're gonna fucking crush me." Minho complained, laughing. Chan loosened his grip.

"Let's get ready and grab some breakfast, yeah?" Minho nodded, getting up.

"You can shower if you want." Minho said, walking towards his closet. Chan stood up and walked to the bathroom. "I'll throw some clothes in there for you." Minho grabbed a hoodie and some shorts he knew would fit Chan and put them on the counter before getting himself ready and sitting on the bed.

"You ready?" The elder asked while walking out of the bathroom.

"I just need to brush my teeth real quick." A couple of minutes passed and both boys were headed out the door to a random cafe downtown. Because it wasn't very far away and it was a beautiful day, they decided to just walk. After a few minutes, they walked into the cafe, ordered, and sat down with their food and drinks. Minho took a bite out of the muffin he ordered.

"Wow, this is probably the best muffin I've ever had. Why have I never been here before?" Chan smiled at the happy boy in front of him.

"I'll make sure to bring you again." Minho nodded and they both finished eating. "So, I wanted to talk with you."

"Go on." Minho replied confused, taking a sip of his coffee.

"What are we?" Chan asked, making the mood more serious.

"I mean, I kinda want a relationship, but if you don't, that's fine." The younger looked down, slightly scared for his hyung's response.

"Of course I want one. Like I said last night, I love you." Chan reached across the table, grabbing his hand. Minho blushed, looking around the cafe.

"You can't just say that." He mumbled.

"But I love you." Chan said louder, trying to embarrass him.

"Hyung~" Minho pouted. "I was gonna say it back, but then you had to do that."

"No, Kitten, say it back." He whined, wanting to hear the words so badly.

"I love you too." Minho muttered, rolling his eyes. Chan smiled, happy to get what he wants. "And I already told you not to call me that in public."

"So, baby." Chan got serious again, caressing Minho's hand across the table. "Will you be my boyfriend."

"Yea." Minho blushed, hiding his face with his free hand. Chan moved the younger's hand.

"I want to see your pretty face. Don't hide it from me." He grinned at the very flustered boy. "Let's head out, yeah?" They left the cafe, and started walking around, talking about random shit. After a few hours together, Chan's mom called so he had to go home. Minho went home by himself, upset his boyfriend had to leave him. My boyfriend. He smiled to himself at the title. He couldn't believe he was finally in a relationship. He got home and laid down in bed, going on his phone. He went through his photos and realized he barely had any of Chan. He set a selfie they had together as his lock screen. He continued to look through his phone and he found many pictures of Jisung. Guilt ran through him as he remembered the way he left the day before. Minho decided to leave the house and go to Jisung's place. After a short drive, he knocked on the door.

"Hey, Mrs. Han, is Jisung home?" Jisung's mom slightly shook her head, with a welcoming smile.

"Sorry, sweetie, he's at Hyunjin's house."

"Oh okay, sorry to bother." Minho slightly bowed and started to walk away.

"You know you're never a bother Minho."

"See you soon, Mrs. Han." Minho got in his car and drove off to Hyunjin's. He saw the lights on and he saw Hyunjin's car, so he knew they were home. He knocked on the door and nervously waited.

"Minnie." Hyunjin said happily, thinking his boyfriend was at the other side of the door. "What the fuck do you want?" He rolled his eyes, disappointed.

"Hyunjin, can I talk with Jisung?" He pleaded.

"He's not here."

"I know he's here, his mom told me he was here. I also know you gave him a ride yesterday. Don't lie to me, Jinnie."

"Hyung, I'm hungry." Jisung yelled out, walking down the stairs. Hyunjin sighed and turned around. "Who're you talking to?" Minho made eye contact with the boy. It was obvious he had been crying. "Oh."

"Sungie, can I please talk to you?" Jisung looked down.

"I don't want to see you right now. Please leave, hyung."

"I'm always here to talk to you Jisung." Minho said, before taking his leave. Seungmin was walking up the driveway confused as he passed a sad Minho and angry Hyunjin.

"What's going on?" Seungmin asked, hugging his boyfriend and walking into the house. Everybody got comfortable and Jisung explained what had happened, luckily not crying this time. Hyunjin was angry hearing it again. "Hyunjin, please calm down a little bit."

"I don't want to calm down when that asshole fucked around with his feelings." Hyunjin yelled, feeling hurt for Jisung.

"You don't know that's what happened. He probably didn't do it on purpose."

"What do you mean? He obviously knew how Jisung felt. There's a reason he always fucked around with Chan." Jisung teared up at the name, but quickly regained his composure. He didn't tell them anything about Chan, not wanting to ruin any more friendships. They just thought that Minho simply didn't have feelings for Jisung.

"He said he used to like Jisung. Shit happens and people's feelings change. That's understandable." Seungmin defended.

"Why are you defending him when Jisung is the victim here?" Hyunjin stood up, getting heated.

"I'm not saying that Jisung's in the wrong or that Minho is the victim. I'm just saying that you shouldn't get that angry at hyung. He was just being honest. He didn't purposefully hurt Jisung." Seungmin stood up as well.

"I don't care if he did it on purpose or not. He's not the one who had to cheer Jisung up all night and day. He hurt Jisung. And that pisses me off."

"He obviously feels guilty about it. He's not a fucking sadist, Hyunjin. He has feelings. But he also can't lie and fake having feelings for somebody. It doesn't work like that."

"Get out." Hyunjin said, sitting down on the couch.


"Get out." The elder didn't even look at Seungmin.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No, I'm not. I don't want to listen to you defend Minho when he's the one that fucked up. So either agree with me or get out." Seungmin put his shoes back on and walked towards the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school, asshole." Seungmin replied, slamming the door shut and driving away.

"You didn't have to do that." Jisung mumbled, afraid to say anything.

"Do you want some ramen?" Hyunjin asked, ignoring what the younger said. Jisung just nodded and Hyunjin went to the kitchen. 

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