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It had been a little over 2 weeks since Minho and Chan became friends with benefits. They had gotten physical over 10 times already. To say things were going great would be an understatement. There was one problem though: Changbin didn't approve. When Chan told his best friend what had been going on, the younger quickly said it was a very bad idea. 

-- Flashback -- 

"Chan, no." 

"Why not?" He whined. "It's just sex, it's not a big deal." 

"Yeah, it was 'just sex' the first time and then you fucking caught feelings. You're only gonna get hurt." 

"I swear I won't." 

"I don't care how many times you swear or promise, shit isn't going to well for you if y'all keep fucking." Chan pouted, not responding. "I'm not trying to be an ass, Chan. I'm trying to be realistic." 

"I know that, but still. I was really excited to tell you that I'm making progress with Minho, but this is what happened instead." 

"How are you making progress? He's still in love with Jisung at the end of the day, it doesn't matter who he's sleeping with." 

"He doesn't like Jisung anymore. He told me yesterday. So, ha. I am making progress."  

"Okay, if you don't think you'll get hurt, then go for it." Changbin sighed, having a bad feeling in his gut. 

"Thanks, Binnie." Chan hugged him. Changbin tried to stay upset, but couldn't help but laugh at the elder acting like a child. 

-- Flashback End -- 

Everybody was now at Minho's because his parents were gone again. It was a Saturday night and everybody wanted an excuse to drink. 

"Guys, why don't we play truth or drink?" Changbin suggested, gathering everybody into the living room. 

"Is that like truth or dare, but you just drink if you don't want to answer?" Jeongin questioned. They all nodded. Everybody agreed. They got a bunch of shots ready on the table and then started the game. 

"Alright, I'll go first." Hyunjin said. He thought for a second. "Chan hyung, what's your body count?" Chan thought for a second and laughed. 

"I have no fucking clue, so I guess I'll just drink." He quickly downed the first shot of the night. 

"My turn." Jeongin said excitedly. "Jisungie hyung, how many of your friends have you slept with?" 

"Do you mean like all of my friends or just the people here?" 

"Just the people here." Jeongin clarified. 

"3." Jisung admitted. Most people looked around the circle, extremely curious as to who the two other than Minho were. It was now Seungmin's turn. 

"Are you keeping any secrets from me?" He asked his boyfriend. Hyunjin nodded, causing Seungmin to get extremely curious. 

"It's not anything bad. Just something that another person doesn't want people to know." A certain squirrel knew what he was talking about. He honestly thought that Seungmin has known since the beginning. Seungmin just nodded, letting the game continue. 

"Hyungie, did you have feelings for me before we started sleeping together?" Felix asked, directing his attention towards his boyfriend. 

"I did indeed. Two whole fucking years because somebody doesn't know how to take a hint." He complained. 

"Well, everything worked out in the end so it's fine." Jisung replied before asking his own question to Minho. "Have you ever had feelings for a friend?" Minho blushed and looked down. 

"Yea." He replied short, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He was flustered by the question, but he didn't want to drink unless he really had to. "Hyunjin, what secret are you hiding from Seungmin." 

"Can't tell you." Hyunjin replied, teasingly. "A certain somebody would kill me." He downed the shot, following it with a sip of Coke to get rid of the taste. Changbin thought of a question before he smirked at Minho. 

"Minho hyung, which friends have you had feelings for?" Minho glared at him before taking the shot. 

"Does Changbin know who it is?" Jeongin questioned. 

"Idk, maybe. But you already used your turn." Changbin teased. 

"Okay, Innie." Chan called out. "If you everybody were to turn on their love alarms in this room, would anybody's go off?" Jeongin groaned. 

"You can't ask shit like that. Either way you're gonna know the answer." 

"Tell us or drink. It's up to you." Jeongin side eyed his hyung before drinking. 

"Can I have an extra turn?" Jeongin pleaded. 

"But why?" 

"Because there's something I really want to know." Everybody knew what he wanted to ask, so most agreed to him getting the extra turn. The only person who didn't agree was Minho. 

"Binnie hyung, who does or did Minho have feelings for?" Changbin winked and took the shot, loving the way it burned down his throat. 

"Jeongin, you should've asked me. I probably would've told you." 

"Wait, you knew too?" Felix nodded, grinning. 

"Who all knows?" Hyunjin asked. Chan, Changbin, and Felix raised their hands. 

"Oh okay, I was gonna be upset if Seungmin knew or something." 

"I think I have an idea, but I'm not sure." Seungmin replied. 

"You should tell me who later. Then, I'll tell you what my secret is." Jisung punched his arm. 

"So, the secret is about Jisung." Changbin pointed out. "Jisung, you probably should've been more discreet, buddy." 

"Whatever." Jisung rolled his eyes. "Hyunjin, don't." 

"Why not? Everybody will find out eventually. They probably already do." 

"I swear to god Jisung, if the secret is that you're gay, we already know and we support you." Felix said. 

"I think the whole world knows that, Lix. It's obviously not that I'm gay." 

"I'm gonna tell him either way, Sung. I would appreciate your blessing." Hyunjin stated. 

"Fucking fine, go for it. But not while I'm around." 

"Minnie, put your shoes on, we're leaving." 

"I- what? Right now?" Hyunjin nodded. The couple quickly got their shit together and left. 

"Did they really just leave?" Jisung asked. 

"I think we're gonna head out, too." Changbin said. 

"But hyung, you're my ride." Jeongin said, pouting, wanting to stay longer. 

"Then, I guess you're coming with." Felix replied. The three left, leaving just Chan, Jisung and Minho at Minho's house. 

I've had a rather frustrating and shitty day, so I'm sorry if this chapter is kinda shitty. 

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