* F I R S T * * C H A P T E R *

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[Character Briefing]

You were someone that no one enjoyed to be around. You were someone people were afraid of. You weren't ugly nor rude. You had an aura that gave the impression that you were a bitch. No one cared if it were true or not, they simply didn't like you. Though, you never bothered to change their perception.

You were smart. No, that would be an understatement. You were intelligent filled with marvellous talents. Any attempts you made with an unfamiliar task, you would exceed the average capability. You never failed to impress your teachers. You always did what you thought was correct in life as that was how you were raised. Your parents were very successful people. This included your beloved siblings.

You were the youngest out of the bunch. You had an older brother named Haruto whose 35 years old. He owned a technology company known as Hive. He was based in Tokyo and recently branched towards Seoul and Sydney. You had a 30 year old older sister called Kaori. She was a neurosurgeon. She was also director of the hospital where she did her residency. Lastly, you had another older sister named Sakura who was currently 25. She, in contrast of others, she followed in your mother's footsteps by becoming a remarkably, well known lawyer. She had dealt with many cases that involved major corporate companies in Singapore. Not only were your siblings adding onto the family's succession, they were all married under the age of 30. Just recently, one of them gave birth which you found stressful as you never found anyone attractive, or someone who found you attractive.

You focused on your dream of becoming as good as your father had expected. Your father was a businessman but not just any ordinary businessman. He was the owner of the first cellphone company that didn't use coltan. After learning about the child labour occurring in DRC, he was determined in proving to other competitors that a phone can designed to be environmentally and morally friendly. He worked his whole life trying to figure out a way to stop using this resource while making the phones affordable, durable and in touch with modern technology.

By working your hardest during middle school and high school, you managed to enter Tohoku University, one of the most prestigious institutions in Japan, at the age of 16. You spent your first four years alone with no one by your side with the exception of projects. Even during the times you had projects, they would ignore you for the most part. They would try to do the work without you, but you managed to always figure out what to do when they left you out. At first you thought it was due to your intimidating expression in your eyes as you've lived most of your life hearing those comments. Eventually, you learned the hard way that students did not want to approach as they thought that you were accepted based on nepotism even though you achieved one of the highest scores on the entrance exam that year.

You used to cry at night, thinking how much you missed out on. You never experienced what your siblings did such as prom, frat parties or even going out with friends. All the small details that involved friends you had never done. In order to not deteriorate your pathway, You would throw a mask over your frowns and became expressionless. You would pretend as though if it didn't bother you. You would always tell your parents that you didn't need to make friends nor bond with classmates in university since it wasn't the purpose of going there. They believed otherwise as that is the best way to network and build connections. Though, they would not mention as they thought it would be the best learning experience to teach someone and they were aware that you were not comfortable being vulnerable. So instead of correcting me, they would go with your word even though they knew you were lying.

- Your POV -

Today was nothing special. I had my usual morning to afternoon classes during the day and then I had my extracurricular activities just an hour after. Piano wasn't until 17:00 and ballet was only at 15:00.

I had my family's chauffeur, Hitomi, pick me up after my last lecture which was at 14:00. While I was waiting, I stood by the parking area where a lot my classmates were socialising. They were laughing at some joke that I couldn't hear. I'm not surprised. They don't like me so why would they even include me into the conversation?

It's so pathetic of me to think like that. When will I understand that I shouldn't be interested or curious about anybody's business that isn't mine. I need to stop being noisy. Dad would never approve of this behaviour.

"Hey Y/N!" Someone yelled. I turned around and I saw that it was a girl who was surrounded by numerous student with unfamiliar faces.

Why today?
I'm not in the mood.

"Yes?" I shortly answered as I looked at her.

"Why are you standing there all by yourself? Come sit with us" She said with a fake worried voice.

I keep thinking that this behaviour would remain in the first four years of uni or better yet high school. They keep proving me wrong.

"I'm waiting for my ride, so no thank you," I kindly declined.

I looked back at the parking lot and I could already hear them talking about me. "I was trying to be a decent human being, but clearly this bitch thinks she is too good for me. She acts as if she didn't fuck the teachers to get high grades," the girl that spoke to me slut shamed.

"Yeah, imagine being rich like her and thinking she got in because of hard work," someone laughed.

"Oh please, imagine being so rich, but not hiring a plastic surgeon to fix that face. Her resting bitch face needs to go," a guy spoke out, smirking at his comrades.

"Nah, she clearly got plastic surgery. Well, at least on her body. Look at her body, she obviously got a boob job, and lip fillers. She acts as if it's all natural. Bitch please, we know it's fake."

"Have you seen her crooked teeth? How is she so confident?"

"Shhhh, don't say that so loud. She could hear you," she giggled.

"So what? Someone needs to tell her she needs braces."

"I may be fat, not rich and not the beauty standard, but at least I have friends and a personality. She will be a loner forever." Another joined the bandwagon.

Just brush it off.
It's not like they will be with you forever.
They will eventually leave you alone.
You are not at fault and neither are they.
They are probably stressed and have to let our their emotions out on someone.
It's normal, right?
I guess.
Thank God that Hitomi is here.

I walked towards the car and calmly got inside the back door. I put my seatbelt on and let out a big sigh.

"How are you doing, miss?" Hitomi happily asked as she left the premises.

"I'm doing fine and you?"

"I'm okay, thank you. Were the lectures difficult today or not? Did you ask for help to your friends?" She asked.

Starting to feel as if they're too overrated.

"The lectures were decently hard, but not hard enough for me to turn towards my peers," I replied.

The conversation ended shortly as I wanted. I don't like people getting to personnel with me, especially about my school life.

Just think about ballet and nothing else.
Think positively.

You made past the day without breaking down. Another day where you were victim of verbal harassment.

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