* T W E N T Y - F I F T H * * C H A P T E R *

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The next morning arrived with you sleeping on your own bed with Atsumu. You were confused as to how you ended up there.

Did he move me or did I accidentally go inside?

This is so embarrassing...

Let's just go on with our day and act as if it wasn't a problem.

You got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. You changed into your black sweatpants and your oversized black hoodie. You made sure to keep your hair away from your face and you finished off with a skin care routine.

You left the bathroom and went to the kitchen. You grabbed a bowl and your favourite breakfast meal. You warmed it up in the microwave and went directly towards your dining table. You grabbed your computer from your briefcase and began to finish your paperwork for Monday. While eating, you decided to call your assistant.

"Good morning Akari -san," you took a bite from your bowl.

"Good morning L/N-sama. I actually wanted to talk to you about something," she responded.

"Okay, I'm listening," you became nervous.

"I need to take a month, starting from Monday."

"Sure, no problem. I hope it's not anything too serious," you were worried, but relieved that she didn't quit.

"My father passed away," you heard her voice crack.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry. How have you been holding up?" You had the urge to hug her.

"It's been hard. I've been trying to stay strong for about four months but yesterday, I was told that my mom couldn't afford to keep him in the cemetery. After that, I just didn't have the energy to leave my house," she broke down crying.

"Thats understandable. Take the time that you need and come back when you are ready and if you need someone to talk to, I'm always one call away."

"Thank you so much. You don't understand how much this helps me. I won't keep you any longer, have a good day L/N-sama," she cheered with joy.

"You too Akari-san," you ended the call and went back to eating.

"That was nice of you," you heard a voice coming from the kitchen.

"Thank you for overhearing my conversation," you sarcastically smiled.

"You sounded kind so I just assumed you did something generous," he puts his plate of pancakes on his plate mat. You ignored his comment and continued to eat your breakfast.

"So what was the problem?" He took his first bite from his pancake.

"Long story short, I don't have an assistant for a month or more," you sighed.

"Are you going to look for another one today?"

"Yeah, I have to go through the files of each candidate I rejected," you swallowed the rest of the food.

"Why don't you hire me instead?" He asked.

"Funny. You're really funny," you grabbed your bowl and went to your dishwasher.

"I'm serious though. I think I would make a great assistant," he smiled.

"Do you even have a business degree?" You scoffed.

"What do you think I did for the past few years?"

"How would I know? You haven't spoken to me ever since you left me five years ago," you closed the dishwasher and went back to the dining table.

"Listen about that I'm-"

"I don't want to hear it. My answer is no," you cut him off.

"Come on, you can even interview me. I am a wonderful candidate. Test me," he sat back at his seat.

"Okay, which university did you graduate from?" You decided to give him a chance.

"UCLA with a 3.9 GPA," he sounded confident.

"What is the reason you chose our company?"

"That's because of your products, your employees and the CEO himself," he continued to eat his pancakes.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Yes, of course. Your products do justice to our environment which is something I strive for in life. Your employees have told me before how working at your company was a delight. They mentioned the job is hard but still manageable. The CEO is very close with my family and I think of him as an uncle. He always made me feel welcomed when my family didn't. Give me a second, I need to put away my plate," he walked away with his plate and plate mat.

Is that true?

What happened in those five years?

Did his family throw him off or what?

"Why should we hire someone like yourself?

"It's important to know why you decided to do an interview and that is because you were in need of a qualified assistant. I am not only qualified to meet your standards, but I am a few steps ahead of the others in terms of knowledge. In case you need help in any department, I can always take care of it. In terms of working with colleagues, I can adapt myself to cooperate with them. I find my personality to be manageable to all. Although , I do lack experience of being an assistant, I am very good at learning instructions very quickly. Other than that, I see no problem in why not hiring me," he came back to the dining table.


That was a good interview and he is sort of qualified.

Why can't I hate him?


"So how was that?" He seemed proud of himself.

"I'll talk over with the CEO and get back to you," you closed your computer.

"Come on, that was a good and you know it," he nudged you.

"It was good, but I don't see why you don't use this opportunity to go to another company that is better than mine. It would be better that way and we won't have to see each other," you felt flustered.

"I want to work at your company and that will never change. I just took the opportunity that was given to me."

"If that was your initial plan, I don't mind asking around if they need extra hands. That way you get a job with the degree you have," you unlocked your phone and started searching through your contacts.

"But I first want to be your personal assistant, then we'll go from there. How am I suppose to get your trust so that I can get this job?" He took your phone away.

"You can't. You broke my trust years ago," you quickly snatched your phone  back.

"But I can. I have something we can do tonight that will change everything," he smirked.

"What?" You were nervous.

"Just trust me."

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