* E I G H T H * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

You were by the front passenger seat, feeling very shy as Atsumu is driving you home. For the first twenty five minutes, you hadn't spoken a word. You started looking at the moon sky and gazed at it. You wanted to ask him if he was sober, but that would require a conversation.

Why does this have to be so hard?

I just have talk to him and tell him how I feel.

Easy right?

Nope 😒

Let's do it right now.

Should I?

Yes, just say it and if he doesn't feel the same way, you can get over it and use it as motivation.

"Um so, I have something I wanted to say and please don't interrupt. I would appreciate you if you didn't. You can listen if you want or just ignore. So, I, um, so I like you," you were quivering under your voice.

"Like quite a lot. You surprised me tonight when dancing with me. It was my first dancing with a partner of the opposite gender. You didn't make me feel uncomfortable or unsafe. So my point being is that I do like you and I want to date you, but I know that marriage is a big commitment that you probably aren't a fan. I feel awful for the way I treated you this afternoon. Definitely not my best moment. I'm sorry," you took a deep breath after confessing.

I did it.

I did it.

I feel great.


He hasn't said anything meaning it's going to be rejection.

It's okay...

I can't force him to like me.

"I'm surprised that your family didn't tell you about this but...I'm your arranged marriage. All of this happened because I'm your fiancé. I would have texted you earlier this year, but you blocked my number immediately six months ago," he finally spoke up.


"Not to mention, you don't have friends so there was no way for me to talk to you without you noticing..."


"The amount of effort it took for me to actually go out with you. Literally, who the fuck would date you? You and your fake persona. I know that when you were talking to me, those reactions were so fake. At least learn how to act. Exaggerating doesn't make your personality better," he insulted you.


That really stings.

Why do I feel like crying?

I never feel the need to cry because of insults.

Weak minded.

Suck it up.

If it's true that he is my fiancé...then that means I need to follow the rules that apply to having one.

Obeying his every word til marriage.

Never argue or cry.

Always reassure him and support him.

"Sorry," you gulped.

"Stop saying sorry, it's so annoying. I feel like such a jerk when I hear it," he snapped.

"Sor- My apologies. I do say it way too often," you disappointedly said.

"Moving on," he sighed in irritation. "I'm suppose to stay over at your house for a while so prepare a place for me. It was suppose to be a way for us to get closer or some shit like that."

"Would you like to sleep on the couch or bed?" You calmly asked.

"Bed, obviously."


You were both stepping out of the elevator to go onto the eleventh floor. Your apartment was a few steps away. The corridors were dead silent as it was nearly one o'clock in the morning. You didn't have anything positive to say to him so you kept quiet for the most part. He seemed too tired to spew out anything.

You pulled out your key card and scanned the door. You then put in the pin code on the number pad. The door unlocked and you opened it with ease. He seemed to be impressed by the security.

You walked inside and immediately switched on the light switches that were next to the entrance. Your appartement was very dark if no light is shined. You took off your shoes and slipped on your home shoes. You directly walked to your room without saying a word.

He let's go of his medium sized luggage and takes off his shoes. He walked through your narrow corridor and looked at your living room. It was a beautiful black and white pattern. He found it rather basic and boring. He decides to lay down on your couch as he assumed it seemed soft.

Once you came back with your pillow and sheets, he was already sound asleep on your sofa. You found it annoying as he went on a tangent about a couch being unbearable in the car. You aggressively shoved him side to side to wake him.

"You didn't have to go so hard. I wasn't sleeping, I was resting," he groaned as he sat up.

"You should rather sleep on the bed, that I arranged. It's way more comfortable," you pointed to your room.

"What's with the sheets and blankets?" He ignored you.

"I'm going to be sleeping here tonight. There is only one bed in this apartment and I also have to wake up early so I don't want to bother you," you answered him regardless.

"Why don't we both sleep on the bed?" He yawned.

"Because it would be uncomfortable and weird."

Why would he want to sleep with me?

I'm so sure he hates me.

"I don't think it will be awkward. We can just respect each other's boundaries. Don't tell me you are too childish to be able to do this," he laughed.

"If that's what you want, then sure," you sighed as you grabbed the blankets, sheets and pillows from the couch.

"Where are you going?" He raised his voice as you were no longer near him.

"I'm going to put away stuff and go shower. Why?" He sounded clingy.

"You're going to shower during this hour?" He followed you.

"Yeah. I don't like sleeping without showering," you were already inside the bathroom .

"Make sure to hurry up so I can shower too," you heard him belly flop onto your bed.

"Okay," you agreed.

Though by the time you had left the bathroom, he was already fast asleep over the covers. You didn't hesitate to put a large warm blanket over him as the nights were slowly getting colder. You crawled into the bed, under the sheets and gladly shut your eyes.

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