* S E V E N T E E N T H * * C H A P T E R *

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It was the next day, late in the afternoon. The sun rays were seeping through the curtains of the your room. Your eyes kept on shifting as you could feel your slumber coming to an end. You squinted your eyes and the first sight that you saw was Atsumu's face in front of yours. He was still sound asleep. You softly smiled.

You carefully took off the sheets from your body and pulled one leg off the bed.

"Don't go," he groaned as he grabbed your hand.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm just going to the bathroom," you pulled your hand away.

You walked off to the bathroom to change your pad and freshen up. You slept for almost 16 hours without waking up. Once you finished going to the bathroom, you sprayed some Dove deodorant around your body and left the bathroom. You rolled back into bed with elegance and a smile on your face.

"Shouldn't we wake up now? It's been over half a day that we spent sleeping," you moved closer to him.

"So? I thought we were resting today," he turned towards you.

"We were, but don't you want to do something else today?"

"Anything you want goes, so choose whatever you would like," He smirked with his eyes closed.

"Anything?" You were intrigued.

"Anything," he confirmed.

"And if I said I wanted to have sex?" You smirked.

"Wait what? Are you serious? Today of all days?" He sat up immediately.

"I mean why not? It's a Saturday and I'm not doing anything," you stroked his bare skin shoulder.

"You sure?" He pulled you up.

"Mmmm," you sat on his thighs. "Just kidding," you grinned.

"That wasn't even funny," he sulked.

"The point was to mess with you and it worked," you put your arms around his neck.

"Do you want me to leave now? I'm started to not feel welcomed," he looked away with attitude.

"I was joking, I'm sorry. I still want you," you kissed his cheek.

"Is that right?" He puts his under your ass.

"Very much," you kissed his neck.

"Stop teasing me and tell me what you want," he rolled his eyes.

"I told you, I want you," you chuckled. Without a second thought, he lifts you off of the bed and picks you up. You had your legs secured around his waist.

"Okay you win, now put me," you became nervous.

"I will, just once I get a good kiss on the lips," he suggested.

"I will do it once you put me back on the bed."

"Why?" He was confused.

"But I'm on my period," you flustered.

"So?" He muffled.

"Aren't you grossed out or bothered by touching my butt, since it's near my pad..."

"No, I'm good. Blood doesn't necessarily bother me or gross me out. Plus having a period, as a woman, is completely normal and if I was bothered, I don't think I'd be dating you," he reassured you.

"Thank you. I was worried I would have to hide the fact that I'm on my period for the rest of my life," you hugged him in relief.

"I would have found at some point, since I already know that most women have periods," he kissed your shoulder.

"I want to go to the movies," You gazed at him.

"You do?"

"Yeah, there's a new movie I want to watch with you," you smiled.

"Okay and what time do you want to leave?" He asked.

"Around eight?" You suggested.

"Great so that gives me around five hours to have you all to myself," he smirked as he rushed you back onto the bed.

"Please stop," you laughed.

"This feels too much like a PornHub video," you tried stop yourself from laughing.

"You really know how to ruin a moment," he let go of your thighs and went back to sleep.

"But the way you were so aggressive...I couldn't help but think that," you continued laughing.

"Stop talking to me."

"I'm sorry, I said it felt like we were in a porno," you placed your body on top of him.

"Get off me Y/N. I'm not in the mood," he pushed you off.

"Can you be mad and still cuddle me?" You gave him the puppy eyes as you went back onto his body.

"Fine, but don't do anything stupid?" He pushed your body back onto the bed.

"Like what?" You were curious.

"I'm not telling you cause I know that you will do it," he wrapped his arms around your body.

"Fair enough," you sighed.

"Enjoy your nap," you kissed his cheek.

"Don't kiss me and enjoy your nap as well."

"Sorry," you pecked his lips.

"Didn't I just say not to kiss me?" He scoffed.

"You did, but this was a peck," you tried not to laugh.

"It's the same thing."

"Not really since it's a different form of kissing," you pecked him once more.

"No pecks or kisses," he demanded.

"Okay fine. I'll stop," you lied as you gave him a hickey.

"Damn you are really good at provoking," he slightly groaned.

"Do you want me to stop?" You smirked.

"One more then you have to stop. For real this time," He gave in.

"One more? How about two?"

"Fine, two more," he sighed in happiness.

"Or three?"

"Maybe," He smirked.

"Four?" You asked.

"Now you're pushing it."

"Sorry. How about you give me three hickeys or more to me?" You suggested whilst shifting closer to him.

"Quite tempted to go above three times," he kissed your cheek.

"Then do it, but not in visible places. Remember we're going out later on," you stopped him before he could kiss your neck.

"Okay, okay," he agreed as he went in to kiss your soft glossy lips.

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