* T E N T H * * C H A P T E R *

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"Alright, that is it for tonight. I appreciate a few of you bringing your A game and not just coming here for fun. Soloists for this show..." she glanced at you. "I expect a little more next time. Remember your spots can be revoked anytime I choose. See you here on Friday. Dismissed."

You stood up like the rest and went to grab your bag. While you were walking to the dressing room, you were felt disappointed.

How come I didn't do well today?

I tried to throw all my anger and emotions into my solo.

Was it not good enough?

Maybe I thought I expressed my feelings, but I didn't actually interpret it.

How embarrassing...

I really need to fix that or else they will give it to Suzuki Yua 😒

I should practice the whole of tomorrow, straight after class.

Wait isn't tomorrow's class online?

Right, my economics professor has a virus.

You pick up your large gym bag and suitcase and left the premises. You made sure not to make contact with any of the people there as they look down on you. They believed that you were one of the leads because of your status. You don't have doubts that it is as your teacher still hasn't replaced you.

You stepped outside, into the surprisingly freezing weather. You were wearing a light jacket that didn't protect your from the cold. You instantly regretted your decision.

Ugh you dumb bitch.

Since when do I swear?

You know what?

I'm done, I'm done.

I'm going to let myself be for the night and not feel bad.

You saw Atsumu's car being parked around the same area he dropped you off. He pierced his eyes at your face that looked cold and fearless. You opened the door to the front passenger seat and you sat down immediately. He noticed you shivering and turned on the heater.

You didn't bother greeting him as you didn't feel like he deserved your respect. You buckled your seat belt and kept quiet. You plugged in your earphones (AirPods or Buds if you feeling fancy) and pressed play on your playlist. You felt frustrated and annoyed.

"Not even a 'hi' or 'how are you?'," he pouted. You ignored him as he left the parking lot.

"Look, I get we had a fight, but why ignore me?" He continued to talk. You still didn't budge.

"I want to work this out, but I'm gonna need you to cooperate," he pulled off one of your earphones.

"What?" You quietly asked. You didn't have the energy to shout at him.

"I want to talk to you," he reached the Shuto Expressway.

"Can we do it another day? I don't want to talk to you right now," you kept your tone cold.

"No, later means never."

"Had you taken the time to get to know me, you would know that I always keep my promises," you felt drained.

"So tell me about yourself?" He gave you an idea.

"What is up with you? You insulted me the moment I say something about myself, so why would I try to do it again? No common sense, I guess," you scoffed.

"Point taken. While you had your practice, I called my brother because of how obnoxious you were. I vented all my frustration as I usually do, and then he told me that I was wrong. He explained how I said all these things because I was mad at you. How I was mad that you rejected me after I put the time and effort to ask you out and do all that shit. But I never acknowledged that just because I put a lot of effort, doesn't mean you have to automatically like me back. And so, after he explained to me, I felt guilty. I'm sorry for making you suffer for something that was never your fault. You don't have to forgive me, I just wanted to let you know now then later," he calmly confessed his mistakes.

"I would have never thought you would actually have something decent to say to my face after today. I appreciate the acknowledgment and I'm gonna need your brother's number," you smirked.

"I hate to tell you, but he already has a girlfriend. You even saw her like two nights ago."

"That girl must be so lucky. Imagine having a guy who knows how to respect people. Plus if he could deal with you then I'm sure he is perfect. What a shame," you fake sighed.

"I know how to respect people too," he mumbled.

"Are you five? Why are you acting like it's a competition? You are fighting for the bare minimum. Think again. You still haven't respected me. But then again, this could just be your personality," you fake scoffed.

"And how do I respect you? Genuine question," he looked at you.

"I thought it was common knowledge, but I guess not. Just watch what you say to someone. Have boundaries. If someone says something that makes them feel uncomfortable, listen and don't do it," you explained to him.

"I can do that," he tried to sound positive.

"Good for you," you fake smiled.

"Why are you so cold?"

"I don't know. I just don't feel like being nice to you," you sighed as you decided to lower your seat.

"But I really want to start again and try to be better for you," he sounded concerned.

"For one you can't go back in time and two, why would you do that?" You wiggled your body to get into a comfortable position.

"Because you deserve a good husband," he blushed.

"Thank you, but I would rather you don't have this fake persona of yourself just to please me. Just stay yourself and go like someone you actually like. I wouldn't be mad at you if you had a mistress," you turned your body to the left side to look at him.

"But I wouldn't have one. I don't have someone that I like other than you."

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