* T W E N T Y - F O U R T H * * C H A P T E R *

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A month had passed since the incident. You surprisingly moved on where as Atsumu had a rough time. He had to tell his father how he didn't get the deal which made it harder for Atsumu to inherit the company name. He had to figure out a way to reschedule a meeting with you, but you told your assistant to refuse his demands.

He had no other choice, but to go to your place. He hoped that you hadn't changed address as he went back to your apartment. It was ten in the evening and everything was very quiet. He pressed the bell button and waited for your response. As soon as you could, you opened the door out of curiosity as to why he was here.

"Good evening Miya-sama, what an unpleasant surprise," you fake smiled.

"Can I come in?" He stepped forward.

"Is it important enough for me to open my door?"

"Yes, it is," he nodded.

"Come in," you allowed him to enter.


You walked towards the kitchen to grab a drink while he went to your dining table.

"Do you want something to drink?" You peeped your head out of the kitchen.

"Do you have Vodka?" He sat down by the glass dining table.

"Yes I do," you looked at him weirdly.

Isn't he going to drive home?

You grabbed two shot glass, a bottle of Vodka and walked towards the dining table. You sat next to him and dropped his glass and yours. You served him first and then yourself.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to speak about rescheduling another meeting with you," he shot down the Vodka.

"Why?" You refilled his drink.

"Because I have a better proposition for you," you smirked.

"So sorry, but I refuse," you closed the Vodka bottle.

"Why? Is it because you're too busy?" He was surprised.

"Not at all. When I reject a project or a proposition, I reject it for good. Because of your bad presentation, you didn't show me any potential gain that my company would profit. Usually, I would give the benefit of the doubt and talk with my colleagues about their proposal, but since you're trying to take over your father's company, I felt as this would be a valuable lesson about the real world. You don't always get second chances," you briefly explained.

"Can you at least tell me where I went wrong in my presentation?" you could see him his foot tapping the floor out of stress.

"Sorry, but it's already late and I have a lot of work to do tomorrow," you refused.

"But tomorrow is Saturday..." he muffled.

"I'm part of the top executives of the company. I always have work to do," you aggressively said. "Anyway, if that is all we had to talk about, I think it's time you leave."

"I actually came here to sleepover for the weekend," he jugged down the second shot.

"Since when? I never planned for you to come here," you looked at him confused.

"The thing is that I'm drunk, I got fired and I don't have a home," he laughed.

"You got fired? Why?"

"Because I told my dad that if I get this deal with my own presentation, he would promote me to being an executive. He agreed to the wager, however, if I didn't get the deal, I would have to quit my job at his company and I can't ask for money from Samu or my mom," he explained the agreement.

"Why can't you go back to your own place?" You muffled.

"Because I haven't paid the rent and I'm too much of a coward to face the landlord," he banged his head on the table.

"Go to one of your friends. I'm sure they would welcome you with open arms."

Why are you going to your ex?

"I don't have any friends. The ones I had were fucking useless and only used me for money," he looked annoyed.

"I don't think it's a good idea for us to stay together in the same spot. It could create weird tension that I don't need right now," you quietly spoke. You felt stressed as this made you feel uncomfortable, so you started pinching your skin on your arm under the table.

"I promise you that it's just for a few days until I can find another job. Please?" He put his hands together.

"I will allow you to stay here for as long as you need, but under a few conditions. No one can know about you staying here, no visitors, no pets, no getting drunk, no loud noises and you'll have to pay rent once you get a job. Do we have deal?" You offered him a deal.

"That last one was fucking messed up, but we have a deal," he put out his hand and you shook it.

"Alright, I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight," you got out of your chair and went to your bedroom to go fetch some blankets and a pillow. You came back out with your pillow and blankets and went to organise a bed on the couch.

"Aren't you sleeping in your room?" He walked towards you.

"You're sleeping in there and I don't feel comfortable knowing a guest is sleeping on my couch," you sighed.

"We could share?"

"No thank you. I don't want to relive my life five years ago. Goodnight," you entered the sheets and closed your eyes.


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