* F I F T H * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

You had arrived outside of your building's department and you walked towards the main fountain of the university. It was the place where students usually hangout, eat and study. It was exactly at the centre of the university. Some would believe that it's one big park.

You were very anxious and curious as to how he looked like. You convinced yourself that he wasn't the standard of good looking. You believed that he was conventionally cute. You observed every guy around to see which one was the one.

I don't want to be mean, but I will be.

The guys here look so ugly and short 😐

The tall guys don't dress well.

Damn...I judge people way too much.

Maybe this is why no one likes me.

Though, I never revealed this side of me.

Huh, I would never reveal this part me 🥱

If I did, dad would disown me for life.

Mom would support me more though.

Mom likes this side of me.

Anyways, let's keep observing.

I'm literally by the fountain and he isn't here.

Maybe this was a prank?

I don't know, let me wait one more minute.

You leaned on the fountain and patiently waited for him to signal himself.

Let's look around...

He said he was tall, so let's take out contestants.

Well now there are six left 💀

He said he had muscles.

Wait, how am I suppose to see this?

Ugh, this is pointless.

Let's just go home.

I low-key feel so embarrassed.

Why would anyone want to talk to me in the first place?

Kaori would laugh at my face.

Oi oi oi 🤦‍♀️

You quietly walked away and made your way to the parking lot. You were pissed off and disappointed. You walked up the hill of grass to get to the exit, but thoroughly as you stepped up, you saw a guy leaning on a white column of the main buildings. He had mustard yellow highlights in his front part and he had a big smirk on his face.

Jesus 😬

Is it him?

He is cocky face matches the way he described himself.

It could be him, by chance...

Would mom even like him?

That depends...

The way I'm already assuming that it's him 💀

Hehe, I got played twice and this time it was me 🙃

We love someone who is as gullible as me 😜

You eye rolled and continued to walk up, ignoring him. As you walked, you could still see him through the radius of your eye. You couldn't help but look at him from the side. You saw that he was approaching you at a steady pace.

Wait? So it's him 🤨🕶🤏

Is this actually happening?

Ha, no.

I can't do it.

I can't do it.

I can't do it.

I can't do it.

I can't do it.

I need to leave.

You turned a full 180 and plodded away. Every step became lighter as you speed walked. You grabbed your phone and started to dial up, Hitomi's number. Your heart rate increased by the second as you became too anxious. You put your phone onto your ear as you waited to hear her voice. Unfortunately, you were not quick witted enough to realise his hand already holding your wrist.

"Why did you walk away? I thought you were excited to see me?" He turned you around.

No words could blurt out of your mouth. You tried to find your words, but you were too timid to think.

"You good?" He quickly looked you up and down as you looked nervous.

"Hello? Y/N-san?" You heard Hitomi speak.

"Yes, Hitomi-san. Sorry, I called you by accident. You can still pick me at the time that I asked for. Thank you, bye," you immediately spewed out sentences without thinking. You weren't even sure if what you said made any sense.

"So you can talk? Huh, for a second there, I thought you went mute," he scoffed.

"Uh...y-yeah. I can speak," you nervously told him.



"Great, so where do you want to eat?"

"Oh I thought...I thought we were going to talk here," you shyly said.

"Why not eat? You probably haven't eaten in a bunch of hours so eating wouldn't hurt," he tilted his head to the right.

Excuse me?

Manners really left the chat.

"I guess...how about at the café that is here?" You suggested.

"Sure, I could go there. They have really good waffles."

"Really? I've never tasted them," you indulged in trying to be comfortable with him.

"Maybe we could share one? As long as you are not stubborn," he smiled.

"I'm not stubborn when it comes to food, so I think we'll be fine," you softly smiled as you lied to him.


"You lying bitch. You said you weren't stubborn," he gave you a neutral face.

"I lie when I need to," you innocently smiled.

"Yeah whatever," he eye rolled as you giggled.

"I want to know more about you," you were intrigued.

"Me? Let's talk about us rather?" He intertwined his hand to yours.

"What about us?" You were confused.

"I mean, we clearly have something going on. Why not explore?" He gazed at your eyes with such sweetness.

I have to tell him the truth.

Ugh, we were having such a great time.

"I feel like I should come clean," you let go of his hand. "I can only date to marry. I can't date you if you're parent's job aren't well known. I can't date you if you aren't wealthy. I can't date you if you're job later on in life isn't something that would make a lot of money and keep the family stable. I know it sounds strict and shitty but, I plan on sticking to it."

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