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SUKUNA AND TŌJI LAID ON THE COUCH as they proceeded to answer all the questions that himari had about this world.

"so you guys have this cursed energy that—"

"for the fourth time, it's NOT cursed energy! it's just our powers that we're born with. I don't even know where you're getting that from", sukuna scoffed.

himari gave the demon king a look.

"yeah...wonder where I got it from. ANYWAYS, next question: where's zen'in maki and mai?", himari asked, specifically directing the question at tōji.

     "hah? who the fuck are they? I don't know", tōji shrugged, plopping a grape into his mouth.

     'tch! motherfucking useless...okay just kidding. I still love you tōji'.

     himari sighed as she had to use her big brain power to figure out where the two could possibly be.

     there was a possibility that maki could've left the zen'in clan and joined gojō's army of samurais. however, the woman was really hoping to create her own little group of fighters herself.

     "this is really unfair", himari softly whined, falling backwards as her back had hit the bamboo floorboards.

     the woman's emerald eyes flickered towards the two men that were eating all the grapes that were meant for her.

     "oi! the fuck are you staring at?", sukuna asked, making tōji glanced over too.

     "I'm wondering if I'm dreaming", himari answered, making the two confused.


     himari hummed, pinching her cheeks as she winced in pain.

     "gege, bless your soul and bless your heart for creating such hot characters", himari mumbled, clasping her hands together as she sat back up, going back to her mini project.

     "weird ass woman..."

     himari then proceeded to spend the rest of her night trying to devise a plan on how to step on naoya and such.

though midway through, the auburn-haired woman had fallen asleep with her cheek smushed against her left arm, as her right hand weakly held the brush.

#𝟭 𝗩𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗦 {𝗷𝘂𝗷𝘂𝘁𝘀𝘂 𝗸𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗻}Where stories live. Discover now