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HIMARI SIGHED AS SHE ENTERED THE cave with gojō, who although had no weapons, was capable of fully protecting himself and the woman.
initially it was dark as hell, but as soon as the two stepped forward, there were torches lit up on each side of the cave, guiding them deeper into the cavern.
nothing was peculiar about the cave, with the exception of it seeming like one of those haunted house tours that you'd enter to test your courage on halloween.
"say...why did you offer to come with me? is it because you know that I'm going to be the one dying?", himari suddenly asked, making gojō snort.
"you really think that I'm going to let you die?"
"so....you'll die in my stead?", the woman asked, quirking her eyebrow, as gojō shook his head.
"we're going to both make it out alive with the stone", gojō confidently replied, making himari highly doubt the man.
"I know you're the strongest, but amaterasu is a literal goddess, sir. however, I will so graciously die for you, since you're prettier than me", himari sighed, causing a grin to plaster onto gojō's face.
"you think I'm pretty?"
"who doesn't?", the woman honestly retorted, making gojō hum.
"mah~ what can I say? I am very charmi—"
"suddenly, I wish to retract my statement", himari stated, making gojō playfully gasp.
"guess I'll just watch you die in this cave alone", the male uttered, making himari snap her head up at the tall daimyo.
"and you wonder why I like getō more", the woman quietly scoffed, making gojō huff.
the two then continued walking in silence for at least ten minutes. although it was starting to get a bit unbearable, himari was persistent on ignoring the white-haired male, who had suddenly stopped in his tracks.
"is something the matte—"
without warning, gojō had immediately pulled the woman by her waist, pressing his body against hers, as something unpleasant had slithered towards them.
himari nearly screamed at how many beauty rat snakes there were, toppling each other as their scaly bodies wormed against one another.