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"GREETINGS, LORD NOBUNAGA. WHAT brings you here?", himari politely asked, dipping her head in the process.
the man's two most trusted friends, also himari's escorts: tokugawa ieyasu (the one who later inherits the throne after toyotomi) and toyotomi hideyoshi (the one who inherits the throne after oda) — were excused, leaving the woman alone with oda.
oda nobunaga — probably one of the most well-known historical figures, ultimately tried to unite japan as a whole.
"I hope you've been well, lady himari. after all, I do have some confidential topics to discuss with you", the young male stated — nearly the same age as himari herself.
"oh? please elaborate then", himari smiled, as she felt her back start to give out on itself.
however, the woman kept up her straightened posture, as she was quite literally sitting in front of one of the most famous historical figures.
"I won't beat around the bushes and just come straight out with my concern. the shogunate seems to be quite different recently, from my close observations", oda stated.
"different? how so?"
"mm...I can't exactly put my finger on it, but he seems...a bit more cruel and conniving, don't you think?"
"really? well...I've only met twice so..."
oda raised a brow at the woman's peculiar wording.
"I-I meant since my return...I've only seen him twice", himari specified, causing oda to nod in agreement.
"and don't you find it a bit off? the first time, he praised you, and even awarded you! yet the second time, he had deliberately challenged you, practically forcing you upon this journey".
himari gave it a thought.
it was indeed a little weird how the shogunate had requested for her presence just to humiliate her in front of all his subjects.
however, himari had thought that it was just because he was testing her determination on whether she was serious about women equality or not.
"indeed...it is a little sus...", the auburn-haired woman muttered, making oda slightly confused.