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GOJŌ TURNED HIS HEAD TO THE SIDE as he witnessed getō, sukuna, itadori, and tōji all dead asleep.

     the male then sighed as he slowly unfolded his blanket, sitting up as he scratched his head and quietly yawned.

     gojō then heard a slight whip of wind; it was like someone was throwing something or punching the air.

curious, the white-haired daimyo left his futon, trudging towards the backyard of the inn that was separated from their room by a simple sliding shoji.

     quietly sneaking out, the man had witnessed himari gripping onto the holy sword that was given by amaterasu.

     the woman had her hair messily tied into a low ponytail as she rolled up her obnoxious sleeves, repeatedly swinging her sword in the motion that sukuna had once taught her.

soft puffs of air were let out from the woman's parched mouth, as gojō could visibly see the determination and concentration on wishing to improve.

"you should widen your stance a little more so that your body weight's more evenly distributed".

himari whipped her head over so quickly that her neck had nearly cracked a few bones.

     "gojō? what are you doing up so late?"

     "I could ask you the same", the male slyly replied.

     "practicing", himari instantly answered, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

     gojō hummed as he shuffled through the grassy yard, picking up a random tree branch as he held it like a sword.

"let's play a game, himari-chan. I'll fight you with a stick, and let's see if you can block", gojō devilishly smiled, not even giving the woman a chance to respond before he had quickly started stabbing himari.

"huh? but you're clearly going to wi—SHIT!"

the auburn-haired woman was being slapped by a thin tree branch that hurt immensely with the force that gojō was using.


another whack was heard as the woman tried less on communicating and more on just slicing through the stupid stick in half.

#𝟭 𝗩𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗦 {𝗷𝘂𝗷𝘂𝘁𝘀𝘂 𝗸𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗻}Where stories live. Discover now