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     "OKAY!! HERE IS EVERYONE'S SCHEDULE. I've organized it by subjects, so throughout the day, everyone will be attending different classes at different times.

     breakfast and lunchtimes are also estimated in there, but obviously you don't have to exactly stick to it. ideally, it should be self taught once we leave, but for the first few days, we will be leading you all through it. any questions?"

     all the girls glanced around, shaking their heads, as himari grinned.

     "great!! then these six will be your teachers for these three days!", himari exclaimed.

     "then what will you be doing?", gojō questioned.

     "hm? oh, I'll be with chīsana, isn't that right?", himari asked, to which the little girl had nodded, clinging onto the woman's sleeve.

     himari then picked chīsana up, carrying her, as she grinned.

     "we're off to go shopping with gojō's money. goodbye!", himari quickly stated, skipping off, as the white-haired daimyo gasped.


"you didn't, so ja ne~", himari waved.

as the two girls left, chīsana created some shade for her eyes with her hand perched against her forehead.

"chīsana, let's order some new fabric for your mom and her friends. I've been wanting to have someone invent pants...or at least a dress", himari stated, still carrying the little girl, as she didn't want her to be snatched away.

     chīsana only nodded, as she gripped tightly onto himari's nagagi, cracking a small smile, as this was the very first time she's ever been out.

     "but first, let's get you a snack of your choosing, because you deserve it!", himari said, letting the child skim the stalls that were placed outside the larger shops.

     "what about over there?", himari pointed, to which chīsana had nodded.

     "okay!! hey ma'am, may I have a taiyaki please?", himari nicely asked.

     "of course!! lucky you for coming early. these are all freshly made!", the middle-aged woman boasted, handing one that had a paper bag wrapped around it to chīsana, meanwhile himari paid with gojō's money.

#𝟭 𝗩𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗦 {𝗷𝘂𝗷𝘂𝘁𝘀𝘂 𝗸𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗻}Where stories live. Discover now