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     "myself", himari confidently answered.

"HUH?! YOU TOOK THAT LONG JUST TO SAY YOURSELF?! you sure are a narcissistic woman", sukuna huffed, crossing his arms, as the flames had diminished.

"yeah yeah!! why isn't it me, himari-chan?", gojō pouted.

even though tōji and getō kept quiet, their internal bitterness sure didn't.

     "self love comes first", himari boldly proclaimed.

     "if I cannot love myself first — take care of myself — how can I possibly love others and give them my full attention?", the woman explained.

"especially those four who's got major issues", himari teased.

nanako and mimiko cracked a small smile, bowing, as if they were congratulating the woman.

"mayako-sama would be proud. welcome in, himari-sama".

the double doors then opened, leading into a well lit room that had a gigantic orb in the center — like the actual moon itself, as there seemed to also be craters all around.

     many matching tiger statues from the previous rooms were also built in here, with the exception that they were well kept and didn't rust.


     "what did she build all this shit for?", sukuna asked, skimming around, as there didn't seem to be anything valuable.

"shhhh, don't question my mother, ryō", the woman huffed, causing the demon king to scoff.

     the two teenagers had then presented himari with a silver box, that had a single lock on it.

     nanako then handed the auburn-haired woman a key, as himari hesitantly opened it, hoping that a spider wasn't going to pop out or something.

     after all, maybe her mother was a prankster.

     "stop the cap right now", himari gasped, nearly dropping the metallic box, as the others had peered over her shoulders.

     "is that..."

     "the moon stone?", rumi breathlessly questioned, to which everyone had glanced up at himari, who just covered her mouth in utter shock.

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