coffee and ice cream

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Betty took Florence's hands and took her out of the music circle so they could kiss privately behind a building close by. The music kept going in the background. The children were still dancing in circle with their parents and other strangers, celebrating life in that beautiful summer day.

The redheaded girl was hungry for her love and kissed her girlfriend as if it was the only thing that could keep her in this earth. Florence got out of breath easily and held her face a few centimeters away from hers to look into her eyes. They were of a beautiful brown color. It reminded her of the ground on the forest they used to run to when they needed some alone time. She could just disappear on them.

There were no words for what they had.

"What?", Betty asked.

"Nothing", she answered. She was just speechless.

They kissed a bit more until they realized all that dancing made them hungry, so they took each other's hand and went to the closest garden.

The grass extended itself between the cemented streets and there were trees on the edges close to the cars that had purple and white flowers blossoming.

They sat down in the middle of the park, where there were a few people their age also enjoying the good weather. Betty took her backpack out of her back and took out the chicken sandwiches, the pieces of cake, the orange slices and the bottle of water. They chugged the water and ended the bottle in a few heartbeats. Then, they sat down on the picnic towel Betty also took and started to eat.

Some birds, that had nests on the trees, flew to them and bit some of their food. They sang happily after being fed and went away quickly. The sun was weaker than it was in the morning and there were more clouds in the sky.

The two ladies, however, did not realize the weather at all. They were far too enchanted by the whole day and each other's presence to care about whether it would rain or not later. It wasn't raining then, and that was what mattered.

Their lunch wasn't fresh, but it was enough for the two hungry girls. They hadn't eaten anything since they were at Betty's cottage with her mom, and both of them could hear each other's stomachs in pain. They laughed at their internal sounds and enjoyed the other sounds around them, like the ruffling of tree leaves and the young people talking in the background.

After they ate everything they had brought, they laid on the picnic towel to look at the sky. Florence placed her head on her girlfriend's hip, who was whistling along the birds. They saw the little clouds forming into bigger ones and the skies turn grey. Everyone around them started to run away from the open space and go into restaurants and stores nearby.

"Do you think we should go?", Betty asked.

But the city girl loved the smell of rain on the perfectly trimmed grass and said nothing. She loved to feel the raindrops on her face, even if it would make her develop a cold a day or two after. It was like a special blessing from whatever there was above them, a cleansing.

That whole day was a beautiful cleansing of all their problems, and the rain would only add up to that. She didn't think about the picnic towel getting wet and dirty or about her hair that would look like a mess. At that moment, she had Betty untangling her hair lumps and she felt relaxed.

However, she knew it could be bothering her beautiful girl, so she stood up and gave her a hand to get up as well. They folded the picnic towel, that had grass stuck to it, and put it inside Betty's backpack again. Holding hands, they ran to the closest store. It turned out to be a little coffee shop and they decided to sit down to have a drink.

Looking at the menu, Betty was mesmerized by the many possibilities. Turns out that city had fancier names for simple coffee and coffee and milk. She decided to let Florence decide whatever she could have, and her girlfriend chose ice cream with some expresso over it for them to share.

The coffee shop workers put on some extra chocolate and caramel over it after the girl asked for it. The couple ate it faster than they had intended to. After only a few minutes, there was only a light brown liquid on the glass. They decided to play with it, running it on each other's faces.

Florence drew a little clow nose on her girlfriend, while Betty drew cat whiskers on the other one's face. After laughing as much as they could with each other, to the point their cheeks hurt, the redheaded girl cleaned her girlfriend's face with some paper.

"That's no fun!" Florence said.

Then she proceeded to lick her girl's nose, making her blush to the point her whole body looked like it was burning.

"What?", the city girl asked with a grin on her face. Betty leaned closer to be able to kiss but Florence turned her face as a joke.


"I'm sorry", she was laughing. She put her hand on her girlfriend's neck and kissed her.

They left the coffee shop drunken by what they felt for each other. Betty had her hand on Florence's waist while she had her hand on the redheaded girl's neck. Like that, they walked to the town cinema. Betty bought their tickets while Florence bought some popcorn for them. They didn't even care what they would watch; they just wanted to have that moment for each other, another story to tell about that great love with a lovely ending in a dark room.

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