Chapter 15: The Elevator

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Kim Hara

I heard the a phone ringing and it was quite close by although muffled. I was scared at first but this I assured myself that someone was working very late into the night. I hung up my phone call and decided to head over to the ringing noise, but as soon as I hung uo, the ringing sound stopped.

It can't be.

I tried calling coffee-nim's number again and I heard the ringing sound again. However, he wasn't picking up his phone call. I sighed and followed the muffled ringing noise came to a stop when I was sure the ringing noise was coming from the other side if the door in front of me.

I hung up and knocked before I went inside the room. The room was dark with not even a light on. I couldn't find coffee-nim anywhere but my search was somewhat successful when I found his upper figure sprawled out on his desk. I noticed his phone beside him as well as a wine bottle and a wedding invitation.

I sighed outloud when I realized this guy must have drunk himself to sleep in his office of all places. I shook him slightly hoping he would wake up but it all went down the drain. Even when I shook him harshly and called out to him he didnt wake up but kept muttering incoherent words instead.

This guy is a log when drunk.

I smiled a little at that thought and gave it another try.

"Coffee-nim, Do San ran away from the wedding!", I whispered close to his ear. He visibly flinched and woke up surprised.

"Ah what!? Why? Da-Dal Mi-ssshhh....", He exclaimed sitting up a little but calmed down when he noticed where he was. Turning around, he faced me and he let out a little scream.

"Gahhh!", He let out, moving back on his chair away from me. I just stood there with my arms crossed while still holding the file secure in my arms, watching him with amusement. "Hara-ssi?", he asked while squinting his eyes.

"Yes its me, you really shouldn't be drunk in the office though Han Directornim", I said calmly. Letting out a sigh, he nodded but relaxed back in his chair and trying to be more awake by rubbing his eyes. I flinched a little at his actions since its my pet peeve to have someone rub their eyes.

"Oh sorry for that, erm what are you doing here Kim Hara-ssi?", he asked once he seemed somewhat awake and tried to stand up.

"Actually I was here to dro-", I stopped explaining once I saw he was swaying while trying to stand up. I caught him by his arms before he really fell down flat.

This guy is still drunk lord.

Letting out a deep sigh, I tucked my file under my armpits and took a hold of his arms with both my hands so as to not let him sway around or fall.

"Han Directornim, I think you should go home right now, you're too drunk", I said slowly hoping he would understand what I'm trying to say.

"Drink? I can drink more! I still got some win-", he went to grab the wine bottle on the table but I stopped him and pulled him aww from his desk. I mentally noted that this wasn't going to be easy and it looks like I can't proceed with what I came here to do anyway. With that thought I dragged coffee-nim to another chair and DA him down while gathering his important stuff like phone and bag.

Taking one look at his desk, I stuffed the wine bottle below his desk and the wedding invitation in another shelf. I doubt coffee-nim wanted to let anyone find out about this. Once I gathered all the stuff I went back to where coffee-nim was and found that he went back to sleep.

Groaning outloud I shook him awake, just enough to let him stand up and tucked his arm iver my shoulder, carrying on most of his weight. I tried to Lee him awake to help me with the directions to get of this building but I doubt he was of much help. I dragged him around until I found an elevator and I don't think I have ever thanked god as much as I did when I found the elevator. He was starting to get heavy so once we got in the elevator I tried to let him stand on his own for a while until I reached the basement where I parked my car, and thankfully he was somehwat awake since he was leaning on the elevator wall slightly enough not to fall down.

I pressed the elevator button to the basement level before I felt my hand being pulled back, my back hitting the elevator wall, and coffee-nim in front of me. He had one of his arms beside my face and the other holding my arm tightly. I sucked in a breath when he shifted closer to me with his half closed eyes.

Shit he keeps coming close.

Why am I not stopping him!?


It was debate in my head on wanting to push him away but another oart of me wants to pull him in instead. I didn't understand my feelings but this man keeps coming closer and I have no where to run so instead of the most normal reaction I might have taken, I closed my eyes. I didnt know what he was gonna do but I didnt feel anything for a while. I was about to open my eyes and to check what happened when I felt a breath near my ear.

A feeling from the bottom of my back went right up to my head and I shivered in reaction. In that moment I realized how close we were to the point I could feel his body heat, and parts of our body were only a fabric width apart. I held in a voice I wanted to let out, and instead let out a breath. This was starting to get overwhelming though, but thats when he spoke.

"Hey, will you ever get on a sail without a map?", he asked softly. His breath hitting the side of my ear and making me shiver once more.

"Huh?", I said. I sounded so out of breath in that moment but it didnt matter because the next thing I knew, he let his head drop down to my shoulders.


The elevator stopped, and so did my heart.


A/N: AAAAAHHHHH this is an important moment for KH. Plus I always wanted to let these guys have some sort of action.

Get ready for a lot of sexual tension!!

Remember to;

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