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Ok, so this is a story based off of Cinderella, but I made it a Dream fanfic. it's probably shit but I did my best so yea. this will not make a lot of sense, but oh well. Anyway, here's the story.


Mc: Artemis (Arty)

skin color: very pale

eye color: grey

hair: waist-length raven

best friends: Skeppy and Bad

fun fact: she's named after the Greek goddess of the hunt and her name means "butcher"

the main setting for the first part is the Kingdom SMP, ruled by a king and queen. recently, the queen and king both turned up mysteriously dead, leaving their three sons to find queens of their own. the three brothers are very different. one is quiet and soft-spoken, another is loud and boisterous, and the third is evasive, spending most of his time in the forests surrounding their palace or fighting on the front lines of the war against the Antarctic Kingdom. he is rumored to be the greatest warrior in every kingdom, in all history. he was trained by infamous assassins and warriors, refining his skill until he himself was a weapon. the only one who had any chance of defeating him was a prince from the very kingdom he was trying to defeat, but a battle between them could destroy them both, a risk neither kingdom was willing to take. the antarctic kingdom is convinced that the Kingdom SMP stole the eldest princess from their royal family, and they will not give up until she is returned. the Kingdom SMP insists they do not have her, but until the princess is found, who knows what will happen.

but that's enough backstory, let's get on to the reason you're here. a story of love that was found in the most unlikely of places.

"ARTEMIS! Get over here!" She yelled.

"Coming, Madame Stepmother." I put the wet rag back in the bucket with a splat. I rushed up to her room, "Permission to enter?"

"Granted," the answer came through the door. I walked in, pushing open the heavy door.

"What is my service needed for, Milady Stepmother?" I despised this flowery talk, but if I stopped, I'd only get hit.

"Your sisters and I are going out to the market to find a tailor. We need new dresses and fabric for the royal Masquerade. When we get back, make sure you've cleaned the house from top to bottom." She said coldly.

"Yes Madame Stepmother." I curtsied and we both left the room. She walked out the door, while I lingered in the hallway, where I was met by my step sisters.

'Arty!" Annabella squealed, "Did you hear? We're going to a ball!"

"At the castle!" Evalin said with equal enthusiasm. I swear they shared a brian sometimes. They were a year apart in age, but they always surprised me with how in sync they were, even though their personalities were different. Evalin was quiet, but adventurous, while Annabella was boisterous and happy.

"I heard! Congratulations!" I was happy for them, "I only wish I could be there to see it. You might finally meet the princes!"

They glanced at each other, "About that. We may have gotten an extra invitation for a certain someone." Evalin pulled three pieces of paper out from behind her back. They were pink, with silver lettering.

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